
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Grandis is a minimal static site generator template. It provides routing support, with kitajs/html powered JSX rendering.

Grandis uses Bun's file API for loading file, so it doesn't work on other runtime.

Everything in this repo is subject to change.

Getting Started

bun install grandis
// This is required to register kitajs types, see more at @kitajs/html's documentation. 
import "@kitajs/html/register";

const route = new Route("", { prefix: ""})
	.page(() => <div>Index page</div>)
		new Route("about", {})
			.page(() => <div>About page</div>)
		new Route("post", {})
			.page(() => <div>Post page</div>)
				({ children })=> <div>{ children }</div>,
				{ source: [ "/absolute/path/to/file" ] }




The Route class defines any route in a website, like /, /about. It handles the website's structure and rendering, things like file saving should be provided by the user.

const route = new Route("", { prefix: ""})
	.page(() => <div>Index page</div>);


  • path: string The name of the route. Only basic characters are allowed.
    • "foo": ✅ valid
    • "Bar": ✅ valid
    • "foo/Bar": ❌ invalid
  • params: RouteParameters<""> Parameters of the current route.
    • prefix: Prefix of the current route, useful for scenarios like deploying github pages.
    • save: (fullpath: string, content: string) => void Defines how the Route should be saved. Called immediately after build. It is passed to all the child routes automatically.


route(route: Route): this

Assign subroute to the current route.

This method also passes the parent Route's save handler to the new route.

import { Route } from "grandis/route"

const routes = new Route("", {})
	.route(new Route("about", {}));
page(render: Component): this

Assigns content to the current route.

import { Route } from "grandis/route"

const routes = new Route("", {})
		return (
					<title>Index Page</title>
					hello world!
group(render: Component, params: Partial<GroupParameters>)

Defines a series of subroutes for the current route. It will generate new Route() instances and add them subroutes.

  • render Content of each subroutes, rendered markdown content is passed in as child component.
  • params Extension of RouteParameters.
    • source: Array<strings> An array of absolute paths to be loaded as markdowns.
const route = new Route("post", {})
		({ children })=> <div>{ children }</div>,
		{ source: [ "/absolute/path/to/markdown" ] }
build(): void

Render the route's page, calls the save handler, and calls subroutes' build recursively.

saveHandler(save: NonNullable<typeof this.params.save>): this

Assign a save handler to the current route and all subroutes. Unless you have a special usecase, you can copy&paste the example code.

The handler is automatically passed down the line, unless a subroute overwrites it.

const outDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), "out");

route.saveHandler((fullpath, content) => {
	const pagePath = path.join(outDirectory, fullpath);
	const filePath = path.join(pagePath, "index.html");
	if (!fs.existsSync(pagePath)) {
	const file = Bun.file(filePath);
	const writer = file.writer();
buildHandler(build: NonNullable<typeof this.params.build>): this

Assigns a build handler that's defines how the route and all subroutes is rendered. Unless you have a special usecase, you can copy&paste the example code.

The handler is automatically passed down the line, unless a subroute overwrites it.

route.buildHandler((render: Component | undefined) => {
	if (render == null) return "";

	const content = render({}).toString();
	return content;


If you chose to use the save/build handler examples we provided, make sure to preload the custom MDX plugin before you start. See bunfig#preload for more informantion.

This plugin loads @mdx-js/mdx with a custom loader in Bun's format and use's @kitajs/html's API for rendering. It's fairly simple to implement so we encourage you to write one that suits your particular need.

# bunfig.toml
preload = ["preload.ts"]
// preload.ts
import { plugin } from "bun";
import mdxLoader from "grandis/markdown";

await plugin(mdxLoader);