
Chef Automate build cookbook for Habitat Plans

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A build cookbook for running the parent project through Chef Automate.

This build cookbook should be customized to suit the needs of the parent project. Do this by "wrapping" the cookbook as a dependency in your project's build cookbook.


Your project must have at least one of the following:

  • a habitat directory that contains the plan.sh file and other files (as necessary) for your project to be packaged by Habitat
  • a service directory that contains the plan.sh file (e.g. the format found in habitat-sh/core-plans)


Add to your build cookbook's metadata.rb:

depends 'habitat-build'

Add to your build cookbook's Berksfile:

source "https://supermarket.chef.io"


cookbook 'habitat-build',  git: 'https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/habitat-build.git'

Include habitat-build recipes in your build cookbook's phase recipes. For example in your build cookbook's lint recipe:

include_recipe 'habitat-build::lint'

Usage Patterns

My entire project is dedicated to a single Habitat package

This is the recommended pattern when using this build cookbook. If you use this pattern, no additional steps are required! Simply include the appropriate habitat-build recipes in your build cookbook's phase recipes and carry on! For example in your build cookbook's lint recipe:

include_recipe 'habitat-build::lint'

My project has multiple standalone Habitat contexts inside it

This pattern would apply if your project repo contains multiple Habitat plans, but a change to one plan does not necessitate that you rebuild another. An example of this would be the habitat-sh/core-plans. If you are using this pattern, no additional steps are required! Simply include the appropriate habitat-build recipes in your build cookbook's phase recipes and carry on! For example in your build cookbook's publish recipe:

include_recipe 'habitat-build::publish'

My project has multiple interdependent Habitat contexts inside it

This pattern would apply if your project repo contains multiple Habitat plans, some of which have inter-dependencies that require that when one is rebuilt so must another, or the execution of the Habitat builds must occur in a specific order. This is a pattern you might find yourself in if you're working with an application that is a monolith. In this case, you can still use the default, lint, and syntax recipes as is but you'll need to use the helpers outlined below to custom build your own publish and provision recipes. If this is your current scenario, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the recipes and helpers in this cookbook and leverage them in the way that best suites your needs.


  • node['habitat-build']['depot-url']: URL to the Habitat Depot where packages are published.
  • node['habitat-build']['shellcheck-excludes']: Array of ShellCheck codes to ignore.



Sets up a Chef Automate build node so that it can build Habitat packages in a Studio.


Does nothing in this cookbook.


Does nothing in this cookbook.


Performs a lint check against the habitat/plan.sh using the ShellCheck static analysis tool. Specific codes can be ignored by ShellCheck by adding them to the node attribute array, node['habitat-build']['shellcheck-excludes'].

Note: This attribute will become a Delivery config.json option.


This recipe loads the information from the data bag generated in the publish phase and uses that to promote the artifact the current Delivery stage in Acceptance, Union, Rehearsal, and Delivered stages. It will then be available from the depot for that view in other phases in the stage.


This recipe builds the package with Habitat and publishes it to the configured Habitat Depot (by default, the public Habitat Depot). Change the node['habitat-build']['depot-url'] to an internal depot if necessary. Once the build is complete, this recipe uses the /src/results/last_build.env file for information about the package that was built. It uses hab artifact hash to generate the hash checksum for the package. The information gathered is stored in a data bag, named after the Delivery project_slug, which is generated as enterprise-organization-project by Delivery. The item itself will have a timestamp name like 2016-06-01_1643.

This data bag item is used in the provision recipe to track state changes of the build through the pipeline, as each phase is a separate Chef Client run on the build node.


Does nothing in this cookbook.


Does nothing in this cookbook.


Does nothing in this cookbook.


Performs a bash syntax check using bash -n against the habitat/plan.sh.


Does nothing in this cookbook.



Cookbook recipe helper methods.

habitat_plan_dir: returns the directory where the plan lives. Searches the delivery/config.json of the build cookbook configuration, followed by an attribute, and falls back to /src/habitat.

habitat_plan_contexts: returns a list of Habitat plan contexts in your project repository. If you specify a list of directories in your .delivery/config.json file under the habitat['plan_dir'] key, it will return the list of corresponding plan contexts. Otherwise, it searches the project for Habitat plan files and returns an array of Habitat plan contexts that it can find (as determined by the presence of a plan.sh file). See the comment in the helpers.rb library for more information.

modified_habitat_plan_contexts: returns a list of habitat_plan_contexts that were modified in the current change set.

habitat_origin_key?: predicate method that returns true if there's a data bag item for the project's secrets in Chef Delivery, and if it has non-empty origin secrets in a hash key habitat, keyname, private_key, public_key.

habitat_depot_token?: predicate method that returns true if there's a data bag item for the project's secrets in Chef Delivery, and if it has non-empty origin secrets in a hash key habitat, depot_token.

Local Development

If you have ChefDK installed you can run the unit, lint, and syntax checks against this cookbook locally with delivery local verify.

License and Author

  • Author: Joshua Timberman joshua@chef.io

  • Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Chef Software, Inc. legal@chef.io

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.