
DEPRECATED: Chef cookbook for deploying and managing an instance of Github's Hubot.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

hubot cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

Deploys and manages an instance of GitHub's Hubot.



  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle


  • Chef 12.1+




  • Ensures that Node.js is installed and available using the
  • nodejs cookbook.
  • Ensures git is installed and available using the
  • git cookbook.
  • Ensures runit is installed and available using the
  • runit cookbook.
  • Creates a user and group to install and run the Hubot instance under.
  • Installs the specified Hubot version from git.
  • Renders instance-specific package.json, external-scripts.json, hubot-scripts.json, and
  • hubot.conf files.
  • Creates and enables a hubot runit service to run the Hubot instance under.
  • The runit service reads the hubot.conf file and passes the contents onto
  • the underlying hubot process as configuration.


Attribute Description Type Default
version Hubot version to install. String 2.11.0
scripts_version Version of hubot-scripts (community collection of hubot scripts) to install. String 2.5.16
install_dir Directory the Hubot instance will be installed to. String /opt/hubot
user The user to install and run the Hubot instance under. String hubot
group The group to install and run the Hubot instance under. String hubot
name The name of the robot in chat. String hubot
adapter The Hubot adapter to use. String campfire
config Hash of values that will be converted into environment variables and passed to the Hubot process. Hash Hash.new
dependencies Hash in form dep_name => dep_version that will be rendered into Hubot instance's package.json. A common dep to set in this attribute is non-Campfire adapters. Hash Hash.new
hubot_scripts Scripts to enable from the community collection of hubot scripts. Array Array.new
external_scripts External scripts to enable. Array Array.new


Include recipe[hubot] in your run_list and override the defaults you want changed. See below for more details. Hubot instances are configured using environment variables passed to the Hubot process. These environment variables can be set using the node['hubot']['config'] attribute.

I highly recommend integrating this cookbook into your own infrastructure using the library/application cookbook pattern. You would start by creating a YOURCOMPANY-hubot cookbook with a proper metadata dependency on the hubot (this) cookbook. A concrete example can be found on this gist which was created from bits of the internal opscode-hubot cookbook which we use to deploy, Paula Deen, Chef's hubot instance.

One important item to note is the use of the remote_directory resource to distribute our internal hubot scripts to the install:

remote_directory "#{node['hubot']['install_dir']}/scripts" do
  source "scripts"
  files_backup 0
  files_owner node['hubot']['user']
  files_group node['hubot']['group']
  files_mode '0644'
  owner node['hubot']['user']
  group node['hubot']['group']
  overwrite true
  mode '0755'
  notifies :restart, "service[hubot]", :delayed

License & Authors

Author: [Seth Chisamore][schisamo] (schisamo@gmail.com)

Author: [Tim Smith][tas50] (tsmith@chef.io)

Copyright: 2013-2015, Seth Chisamore

Copyright: 2015, Tim Smith Copyright: 2016, Chef Software, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.