
A Ruby interface for named pipes on MS Windows

Primary LanguageRuby

== Description
  A Ruby interface for named pipes on Windows.

== Prerequisites

== Installation
  gem install win32-pipe

== Synopsis
  require 'win32/pipe'
  include Win32
  # In server.rb
  pipe_server = Pipe::Server.new("foo_pipe")
  data = pipe_server.read
  puts "Got #{data} from client"
  # In client.rb (run from a different shell)
  pipe_client = Pipe::Client.new("foo_pipe")
  pipe_client.write("Hello World")

== What's a named pipe?
  A pipe with a name - literally. In practice, it will feel more like a cross
  between a socket and a pipe. At least, it does to me.

== What good is it?
  My hope is that it can be used in certain circumstances where a fork might
  be desirable, but which is not possible on Windows. It could also be handy
  for the traditional "piping data to a server" usage. And if you come up
  with anything cool, please let us all know!

== Contributions
  Although this library is free, please consider having your company
  setup a gittip if used by your company professionally.


== Future Plans
  Add transactions

== License
  Artistic 2.0

== Warranty
  This package is provided "as is" and without any express or
  implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
  warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

== Copyright
  (C) 2003-2014, Daniel J. Berger, All Rights Reserved.

== Authors
  Daniel Berger
  Park Heesob