
Some pieces of codes or config sample for various library

The UnlicenseUnlicense


Some pieces of codes or config sample for various library.

Config file for CSSComb

If u like to have clean and nice CSS, the sample file for CSSComb is for you.

With more than 15 property category, the result file can be big after parsing, but for dev it's cool because you can read all the style very quickly. And minifying the file with library like csso before moving to prod and it's perfect :)

After parsing :
Parsing screenshot

Script for MusicBrainz Picard

In case you like to have a well arranged music library, i suggest you the Renaming script for MusicBrainz Picard.

You have the possibility to arrange root folder with last.fm category OR alphabetical folder.

There is multiple settings to help you to have your file arranged like you want.

After renaming :
Renaming screenshot


Everything in this repo is under unlicense, meaning it's dedicated to public domain. Feel free to do whatever you want with all files.

See here for complete UNLICENSE.