
This is an android application built with Jetpack Compose to manage the users expenses and transactions and visualizes the data in a bar and pie chart.The app is completely offline and all the data is in a room database so no need for internet connection

Primary LanguageKotlin

Expense Tracker Application

This is a native android application built with Jetpack Compose to manage the users expenses and transactions and visualizes the data in a bar and pie chart.The app is completely offline and all the data is in a room database so no need for internet connection

Currently available on the Play Store

Get it on Google Play

Screenshots of the app

Tech Stack.

This project uses many of the popular libraries, plugins and tools of the android ecosystem.


  • Hilt - Dependency Injection library.

  • Jetpack

    • Android KTX - Provide concise, idiomatic Kotlin to Jetpack and Android platform APIs.
    • AndroidX - Major improvement to the original Android Support Library, which is no longer maintained.
    • Lifecycle - Perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of another component, such as activities and fragments.
    • Room - Provides an abstraction layer over SQLite used for offline data caching.
    • Navigation Component-Component that allows easier implementation of navigation from simple button clicks to more complex patterns.
  • OkHttp-Logging-Interceptor - Logs HTTP request and response data.

  • Coroutines - Library Support for coroutines.

  • Flow - Flows are built on top of coroutines and can provide multiple values. A flow is conceptually a stream of data that can be computed asynchronously.

  • Timber-Library for easier logging.

  • Material Design - Build awesome beautiful UIs.

  • kotlinx.coroutines - Library Support for coroutines,provides runBlocking coroutine builder used in tests.


  • GitHub Actions - GitHub actions is used in this project to deploy the apk using Firebase App Distribution when pushing changes to the dev branch or when making a pull request to the main branch.