ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).
Pinned issues
- 6
hal/usb_hal.h missing in Arduino
#157 opened by mortenp - 2
newbie mscsd problem
#156 opened by salahmezedu - 0
acm.ino:1:10: fatal error: usb/usb_host.h: No such file or directory #include "usb/usb_host.h" ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. exit status 1 Compilation error: usb/usb_host.h: No such file or directory
#155 opened by mvschaefer - 4
HIDgeneric host-side example?
#154 opened by IU5HKU - 3
Release only one of the keys
#153 opened by alonso240 - 9
Remote pendrive code not working on ESp32 s3
#152 opened by micromagine - 1
[Request] USB sound card example with I2S output
#113 opened by meltdown03 - 1
MIDI problem
#151 opened by test1025 - 4
- 10
ESP32-S3, reading files on SD Card through USB
#129 opened by RodEnry - 7
- 1
- 3
Sending Hid Messages gives strange result
#148 opened by K372470 - 4
- 2
usb msc host example error
#147 opened by f1andrew - 3
Multiple key combinations?
#145 opened by deadshxll - 2
ESP32-S2 HID sendRelease not working
#144 opened by khorght - 10
Connect USB device and send HEX data
#142 opened by demenkovms - 3
Unmount a host msc usb
#143 opened by stetrx - 1
How to receive midi notes and program change?
#136 opened by oiresgleichen - 0
tud_midi_available() not working
#141 opened by nateexptr - 2
- 9
HID generic Computer Software
#137 opened by gary7530 - 4
#138 opened by 755516538 - 1
- 0
TAG constant defined in diskio_rawmsc.cpp prevents defining TAG in platformio.ini
#133 opened by beorosz - 2
how to implement readonly in msc_sd
#132 opened by gopalrao111 - 1
- 1
MSC Volume label
#130 opened by ahmedmibrahim - 3
Corrupted SD Filesystem on remount/reset
#128 opened by Chasbrot - 20
sd_msc is too slow (200KB/s write, 400KB/s read)
#124 opened by tueddy - 0
Library new version
#127 opened by chegewara - 0
Arduino IDE 2.0.2 warning
#126 opened by crasheg - 4
USB host for CDC devices
#125 opened by elloza - 1
- 5
Stop or end USB classes
#121 opened by applefreak - 0
ACM Host: get the hex values in CDC_DATA_IN
#120 opened by padaszewski - 0
restart mscusb after esp_light_sleep_start()
#119 opened by Steffen-W - 16
USB CDC crashes when sending data too fast
#107 opened by Steffen-W - 3
sd_msc bad usb data transfer with systematic error
#118 opened by Steffen-W - 3
CDC STM32 -> ESP32-S2
#110 opened by Saeedsaeb - 5
How to make buffered serial input for CDC device?
#112 opened by krisik70 - 1
- 0
HID generic can't perform multiple chunk write
#102 opened by lorespaul - 2
Setting Product / Manufacturer Name not working
#116 opened by jhsa - 1
Implementing another Midi Library?
#115 opened by jhsa - 8
Change VID/PID from sketch
#111 opened by joelsernamoreno - 2
Add Release 2.0.1 to PlatformIO registry
#109 opened by beorosz - 2
fatal error: SdFat.h: No such file or directory
#105 opened by brandonpaiz - 2