Generic Pagination for Angular

Angular component that provides pagination. Navigating through the pagination triggers an event that will load the current page.


The module can be installed using npm.

npm i data-pagination


Import DataPaginationModule from data-pagination:

import { DataPaginationModule } from 'data-pagination'

Add DataPaginationModule to the imports of your NgModule:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

use in your templates to add pagination in your view like below

<data-pagination [total]="total" [current]="current" [size]="size" (pageChanged)="onPageChanged($event)"></data-pagination>


  • total

    [Number] The total number of items in the database.

  • size

    [Number] The number of items to display per page.

  • current

    [Number] Current page (active) page number.

  • startFrom

    [Number] Start index, should equals to 0 or 1. Default is 1.

  • isDirectionLinksEnabled

    [boolean] If set to false, the "previous" and "next" links will not be displayed. Default is true.

  • pageChanged

    [event handler] The expression specified will be invoked whenever the page changes via a click on one of the pagination controls. The $event argument will be the number of the new page. This should be used to update the value of the currentPage variable which was passed to the PaginatePipe.

  • language

    [string] Default language is English ('en'). Also French ('fr'), Portuguese ('pt') are available

  • info

    [boolean] If set to false, information about the table will not be displayed. Default is true.