
Manage your database with Go lang templates

Primary LanguageGo

{{db}} - Gopher Sauce extension

Install database pipelines to your templates. Perform Mongo database actions with Golang templates.

  1. Guide
  2. pipelines 🐧

Add this import tag within your .gxml file.

<import src="github.com/cheikhshift/db/gos.gxml"/>

#Test it Make sure MongoDb is running!

go get github.com/cheikhshift/gopher-sauce-database

How it works

Save object

  1. Connect to database. Add this within your main tag in the root of your .gxml file.

     defer dbs.Close()
     dbs,_ = db.Connect("localhost", "dbtest")
  2. Declare a struct within your header tag in your GoS file. This struct will be named Sample. It is a must to have the Id field.

     <struct name="Sample">
     	Id bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
     	TestField string `valid:"unique"`
     	FieldTwo string `valid:"email,unique,required"`
     	Created time.Time //timestamp local format
     	Updated time.Time			
  3. Create a new file named index.tmpl in your tmpl directory. Contents of file :

     <!DOCTYPE html>
     	<html lang="en">
             <title>DB Example</title>
     		<!-- pipelines will go here -->
  4. Add these following lines in <!-- pipelines will go here --> :

  5. to create a new Sample within your index.tmpl. This will auto-populate Id and Created.

     	{{ $obj := New Sample }}
  6. Update values of $obj to prevent validation errors

     {{with $obj }}
        	{{ .|u "FieldTwo" "email@gmail.com" }}
  7. Save $obj to database :

     {{ $err := $obj | Update }} 
  8. Check if error occurred and display :

         {{ if $err | neq "" }}
      		<h1>Error {{$err}}</h1>

Get object

  1. Add these following lines in <!-- pipelines will go here --> :

  2. Load a new query map :

       {{ $query := search }}
  3. Set query keys :

         {{with $query }}
         	{{ . | k "fieldtwo" "email@gmail.com" }}
  4. Perform query and display one item :

      	{{ with $query | Q Sample}}
             {{ . | One }}
         {{ end }}
  5. Perform a query and attempt update. The pipeline isSample will convert the JSON database object to a Sample struct reader.

     {{ with $query | Q Sample}}
         {{ range . | All }}
                 {{ . | k "fieldtwo" "newmail" }}
                 <!-- Cast similar to with $obj -->
                 {{ with . | isSample }}
                    FieldTwo : {{ .FieldTwo }}
                    <!-- will display invalid email -->
                    {{ . | Update }}
                 {{end }}
         {{ end }}
     {{ end }}


{{ New param }}

Returns Struct with Id and Created initialized.

  • param : Struct name without strings or any braces. For example a struct declared in your .gxml file named Sample will be initialized with pipeline {{ $obj := New Sample }}

{{ $param | Update }}

If an error occurs while updating your object this pipeline will return a string error as to why.

  • $param : Struct to save to database.

{{ $param | Delete }}

If an error occurs while updating your object this pipeline will return a string error as to why.

  • $param : Struct to remove from database. Requires a valid ObjectId in field Id to work.

{{ $param | u "$param1" $param2 }}

Update a field value within your struct.

  • $param : Struct to update.
  • $param1 : Struct field name to update.
  • $param2 : New value to set to specified struct field.

{{ search }}

Returns a new query map (= json ).

{{ $search | k "$param1" $param2 }}

Set a key within your query map. This is the equivalent of updating a map value within Go.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : String of key to set.
  • $param2 : Value to set.

{{ $search | rmk "$param1" }}

Remove key from query map.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : String of key to remove.

{{ $search | v "$param1" }}

Return value of specified query map key.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : String of key to retrieve.

{{ $search | Q $param1 }}

Return new *mgo.Query.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : Struct name without strings or any braces. For example a struct declared in your .gxml file named Sample will be initialized with pipeline {{ $search | Q Sample }}

{{ Limit $param $param1 }}

Limit query to specified number.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to limit.
  • $param1 : int value to limit query by.

{{ Skip $param $param1 }}

Skip query by specified number.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to limit.
  • $param1 : int value to skip query by.

{{ Sort $param $param1 }}

Sort query by specified field. Any struct field must be in lower case.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to limit.
  • $param1 : string of field and sort syntax. For example {{ Sort $query "-firstname" }}

{{ $param | Count }}

Return int length of query.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to count.

{{ $param | All }}

Return slice of maps of your query.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to count.

{{ $param | One }}

Return one result of your query as a map.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to find one of.

Cast trick

Use the following syntax to convert a map to a struct for item update or removal. Only structs declared within your project's gxml files are available to your templates

 {{  $map | is<GoS Struct name> }}