
The official Node.js library for the Coinbase API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The official Node.js library for the Coinbase API.


  • Full Test coverage.
  • Support for both API Key + Secret and OAuth 2 authentication.
  • Convenient methods for making calls to the API.
  • Automatic parsing of API responses into relevant Javascript objects.
  • Adheres to the nodejs error-first callback protocol.
  • Continuous Integration testing against node 0.10, 0.11, and 0.12.


npm install coinbase

Version Compatibility

Version GitHub repository
1.0.x This repository
0.1.x mateodelnorte/coinbase

Npm coinbase package name used to refer to the unofficial coinbase library maintained by Matt Walters. Matt graciously allowed us to use the name for this package instead. You can still find that package on Github. Thanks, Matt.

Quick Start

The first thing you'll need to do is sign up for coinbase.


If you're writing code for your own Coinbase account, enable an API key. Next, create a Client object for interacting with the API:

var Client = require('coinbase').Client;
var client = new Client({'apiKey': mykey, 'apiSecret': mysecret});


If you're writing code that will act on behalf of another user, start by creating a new OAuth 2 application. You will need to do some work to obtain OAuth credentials for your users; while outside the scope of this document, please refer to our OAuth 2 tutorial and documentation. Once you have these credentials, create a client:

var Client = require('coinbase').Client;
var client = new Client({'accessToken': accessToken, 'refreshToken': refreshToken});

Coinbase Sandbox

To use this library with Coinbase Sandbox, you need to initialize the library with following params:

var Client = require('coinbase').Client;
var client = new Client({
  < api keys or access tokens here>
  'baseApiUri': 'https://api.sandbox.coinbase.com/v1/',
  'tokenUri': 'https://api.sandbox.coinbase.com/oauth/token'

Making API Calls

With a client instance, you can now make API calls. We've included some examples below, but in general the library has Javascript prototypes for each of the objects described in our REST API documentation. These classes each have methods for making the relevant API calls; for instance, coinbase.model.Transaction.complete maps to the complete bitcoin request API endpoint. The comments of each method in the code references the endpoint it implements. Each API method returns an object representing the JSON response from the API.

Listing available accounts

var coinbase = require('coinbase');
var client   = new coinbase.Client({'apiKey': mykey, 'apiSecret': mysecret});

client.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) {
  accounts.forEach(function(acct) {
    console.log('my bal: ' + acct.balance.amount + ' for ' + acct.name);

Get Balance from an Account Id

var Account   = require('coinbase').model.Account;
var myBtcAcct = new Account(client, {'id': '<SOME_ACCOUNT_ID>'});

myBtcAcct.getBalance(function(err, bal) {
  console.log('bal: ' + bal.amount + ' currency: ' + bal.currency);

Selling bitcoin

var args = {
  "qty": "12"
account.sell(args, function(err, xfer) {
  console.log('my xfer id is: ' + xfer.id);

Sending bitcoin

var args = {
  "to": "user1@example.com",
  "amount": "1.234",
  "notes": "Sample transaction for you"
account.sendMoney(args, function(err, txn) {
  console.log('my txn id is: ' + txn.id);

Requesting bitcoin

var args = {
  "from": "user1@example.com",
  "amount": "1.234",
  "notes": "Sample transaction for you"
account.requestMoney(args, function(err, txn) {
  console.log('my txn id is: ' + txn.id);

Listing current transactions

account.getTransactions(null, null, function(err, txns) {
  txns.forEach(function(txn) {
    console.log('my txn status: ' + txn.status);

Checking bitcoin prices

client.getBuyPrice({'qty': 100, 'currency': 'USD'}, function(err, obj) {
  console.log('total amount: ' + obj.total.amount);

Verifying merchant callback authenticity

if (client.verifyCallback(req.raw_body, req.headers['X-Signature'])) {
  // Process callback

Error Handling

Errors are thrown for invalid arguments but are otherwise returned as the first argument to callback functions.

Errors contain type properties so that you can route the error to the right handler code. The possible types are:

Type Description
AuthenticationError returned if there was an authentication error
InvalidAccessToken returned when the current access token is no longer valid
ExpiredAccessToken returned when the current access token is expired
TokenRefreshError returned when there is a failure refreshing the access token
TwoFactorTokenRequired returned when a user's Two Factor Auth token needs to be included in the request
APIError returned for errors related to interacting with the Coinbase API server
acct.getBalance(function(err, bal) {
  switch (err.type) {
    case 'ExpiredAccessToken':
      // use the client.refresh API to get a new access_token
    case 'InvalidAccessToken':
      //handle error
    case 'AuthenticationError':
      //handle error

Errors are always of the type Error and can print a trace:

acct.getBalance(function(err, bal) {
  if (err) console.log('Where did this error come from?\n' + err.stack);

Errors that are related to an http request will have a response field with the entire http response:

acct.getBalance(function(err, bal) {
  if (err) console.log('http error code: ' + err.response.statusCode);

Testing / Contributing

Any and all contributions are welcome! The process is simple:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Make your changes and add tests
  3. Run the test suite
  4. Submit a pull request.

Tests are run via mocha and nock. To run the tests, clone the repository and then:

npm install

npm test

You can also run the tests against various node environments using the Dockerfile.example file.

  1. cp Dockerfile.example Dockerfile
  2. edit Dockerfile and uncomment the node version that interests you
  3. [sudo] docker build -t coinbase-node .
  4. [sudo] docker run -it coinbase-node

More Documentation

You can generate html documentation by running the command:

npm install && npm run docs

Open generated html files in docs/ dir with a browser.