Ruby 2.2.2
Rails 5
MySQL server
Change credentials for database in config/database.yml
Create database steps:
mysql -u root -p
CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -
CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -
rake db:schema:load
rails db:seed
Install gems: bundle install
To run project: rails s
To run backend tests: rails test
To run client side tests:
rails s
open in browser http://localhost:3000/specs
From seed data in system exist 3 users admin@test.com, support@test.com, customer@test.com. Each of them has same password 'qwer1234'. Also you can register other user and assign him role from admin@test.com user
For system like explained in requirements, enough 2 logical entities (Users and Tickets). Is 3 type of users in the system, (Admins, Support Agents, Customers). All new registered users are Customers. Admin can change their role to Support Agent or Admin. So for beginning of work system must have at least 1 Admin. Only Customer can create a new Ticket, which assigns to random Support Agent. When Support Agent get new Ticket need set up to 'in process' state. After finishing support issue Support Agent must set up it to 'closed' state. After that Customer can to ‘cofirm’ ticket closing. Customer can set up Ticket to 'deleted' state all the time until it closed.
I have few issues with default bootstrap behavior of modal forms, so i fixed it with custom JS
It was some issue with Jasmine test related to AJAX requests. I tried to fix it with mock-ajax.js library, but unsuccesseful. And fixed it with spyOn( $, 'ajax' ) method. Few months ago i successufully used for this purpose jquery.mockjax.js but remembered it after done the task