
Cell type-specific interpretation of noncoding variants using deep learning-based methods.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This code is provided under Apache License, Version 2.0

How to run:

  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you run into any problems with installation of selene, you can also consult selene's official instruction

  1. Run scripts specified by config files, e.g.:
python -m selene_sdk model_configs/config_file.yml


There are several scripts to download and process the data.

  • data/download_boix_et_al_data.sh to download raw *.bigWig files
  • data/process_boix_et_al_data.py to preprocess the *.bigWig files
  • data/annotate_biox_data.py to produce selene-style .bed file containing intervals of present track peaks.
  • data/generate_target_files.py to produce dataset files to specify in configuration files to run training (see data/README.md for more info).

Training the models

  1. Make sure you have prepared your data.
  2. Run training using your configuration file, for example model_configs/train_example.yml.

Config files for benchmarks mentioned in the paper (most configs assume necessary data files have already been generated and placed into a folder dataset_data):

  • cell type specificity: model_configs/boix_train_masked_ct.yml (classification) and boix_qDeepCT_train_masked_ct.yml (regression).

    Note: Before running this config you should also generate all necessary data files for tracks forming a maximal clique and place them into a folder dataset_data/maximal_clique_with0 and additionally run src/split_intervals.py and src/split_cell_types.npy and place their results in the same folder;

  • sequence specificity: model_configs/boix_all_multi_ct_train.yml (classification) and model_configs/boix_allNonTreated_highqual_multi_ct_qDeepCT_train_2021-11-15-03-30-59.yml (regression);

  • masked tracks prediction: model_configs/boix_allNonTreated_highqual_masked_multi_ct_qDeepCT_train.yml.


  1. Prepare pre-trained model and input files.
  2. Run inference using your configuration file, for example model_configs/inference_example.yml.

Config file for variant effect predictions mentioned in the paper: model_configs/boix_all_multi_ct_predict.yml