Full analysis chain for analysis of HepSim files using Autoenecoder and Backpropogation with RMM.
Use the directory: ana_truth Setup C++/ROOT as :
cd ana_truth
source msetup.sh
This compiles ana.cc which reads ProMC files from the file specified in "data.in" The output ROOT files goes to "out" directory
./A_RUN_ttbar - ttbar background
./A_RUN_wzjets - Z+jets
./A_RUN_X2hh - X-> hh (MG5, all decays)
./A_RUN_X2HH - X-> HH (Pythia8, ZZ+bb decays, selected with 2 leptons pT>14 GeV)
./A_RUN_X2SH - X-> SH (Pythia8, tt+bb decays, selected with 2 leptons pT>14 GeV) S has the mass m(X)/2
The data are:
You need to download this data so you can run these scripts.
- Extract 10% of data and save as CSV file. Do this:
cd ./prepare
The *csv.gz files will be in "out" directory
- Do training using this csv.gz file. Go to:
cd train/
This script runs "arun_autoencoder.py" which reads cvs.gz files with 10% of events and train the autoencoder. The training model will show up in train/models
- Final run to process all data using the trained model. In the main directory run
./A_RUN_ANALYSIS - for ttbar
./A_RUN_ANALYSIS_X2HH - for HH (Pythia8, ZZ+bb decays, 2-lepton selected)
./A_RUN_ANALYSIS_X2SH - for SH (Pythia8, tt+bb decays, S goes to ttbar, 2-lepton selected )
The files with losses and Mjj will be in "out/ADFilter directory
Go to "train_bkprop/" directory and train NN using "A_RUN". The model will me saved to "model/".
Then process data with trained neural net using the scripts withe the string "ANALYSIS*. They run over ttbar and BSM models. It fills the histogram "Score" which is 0 for ttbar and 1 for BSM. The outputs goes to "out/[NAME]_BACKprop.root" histograms. The inavrainat mass for BSM is selected when score>0.5
loss_cut_Hh.py - loss distribution for AD filter
backprop_score_Hh.py - backpropogation score
kin_mbb_Hh.py - X->SH before anything
kin_mbb_Hh_after_bkprop.py - after backpropogation
kin_mbb_Hh_after_ad.py - after AD filter
loss_cut_Sh.py - loss distribution for AD
backprop_score_Sh.py - backpropogation score
kin_mbb_Sh.py - X->SH before anything
kin_mbb_Sh_after_bkprop.py - after backpropogation
kin_mbb_Sh_after_ad.py - after AD filter
-- S.Chekanov (ANL)