
A tool to visualuze ITK geometry for the ATLAS phase 2 upgrade

Primary LanguageC++


A tool to visualuse ITK geometry for the ATLAS phase 2 upgrade. This package reads XML files with the ITK layouts and visuaize them using the EVE ROOT event display, with additional output files (GDML, ROOT, JSON, TXT) inside the "out" directory.

Installation instruction

To run this visulaization tool, you need several external packages:


Install ROOT 6.X and check that the variable $ROOTSYS is set. For ATLAS/lxplus, please setup ROOT 6.08 to compile this package:

lsetup root
localSetupROOT 6.08.02-x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt

Get xercesc

Define the directory $DIR where you want to install xercesc. Download it from here. Then compile and install it:

tar -zvxf xerces-c-3.1.4.tar.gz
cd xercesc/3.1.4/
./configure --prefix=$DIR/xercesc/3.1.4/
make; make install

and create the "setup.sh" script (for the bash shell) with these lines:

export XercesC_HOME=$DIR/xercesc/3.1.4
export PATH="$XercesC_HOME/bin:$PATH"
source ./setup.sh

It is important to source this file before compiling the "VisualizeITK" package.

Get VisualiserITK

Now get the package itself and compile it:

wget https://github.com/chekanov/VisualiserITK/archive/master.zip
unzip  master.zip
cd VisualiserITK-master
mkdir out # where the output files go

This creates the executable "A_RUN". Run it and you will see the EVE display with the layout. In order to go through all the available layouts close eve and allow the program to run through all "styles" and "layouts". In addition, the program creates several output files (ROOT, JSON, GDML, TXT) for further exploration of the layout. At the end of each output file is a number, ie. "Inclined_Quads_3.root", which corresponds to a style or complexity of the visualisation.

Viewing in OpenGL

To view in a slightly faster window run view_ogl.py to run a script that will open the visualization in OpenGL.


0: full detector. 1: no modules shown, only support structures. 2: removes structures that only exist in the -z region of the detector (displays half the detector). 3: only the inner 2 layers of the detector (US build).

How to modify the input layout

This program reads the XML files from the directory "xml". The XML files are orginized into subdirectories. You can change the layout directory on the line "XMLReaderSvc reader("ATLAS-P2-ITK-16-00-00")" inside "main.cxx" and recompile it. The files are read from the directory "xml/'layout'" where 'layout' is the name of a different Pixel layout, namely Inclined_ALternative, Inclined_Quads, and Inclined_Duals. They have the following generic files:


In fact, they are just the symbolic links to the corresponding ATLAS layout files. For ATLAS, you will need to download these XML files and make the corresponding symbolic links back to the generic files in the "xml/'layout'" directory. Typically, the XML files can be downloaded from the "share" directory of the InDetTrackingGeometryXML package (available for ATLAS members only).

More explanation on codding

To visualize the layout, use the files such as ShowPixelBarrel.cxx, ShowPixelEndcap.cxx etc. The file names start from the string "Show" and have a single method:

process(InDet::XMLReaderSvc& reader, TGeoVolume* top, TGeoManager* geom, int complexity, string infile)

S.Chekanov (ANL)
