A brief description of what this project does and who it's for
I'm a full stack developer Front-End & Back-End Developer! I develop Web Applications and Websites.
:female-technologist: I'm currently working from home
🧠 I'm currently learning Ruby
:women-with-bunny-ears-partying: I'm looking to collaborate on projects
:thinking_face: I'm looking for help with my new programming language.
:speech_bubble: Ask me about coding
📫 How to reach me > Via Linkedln, Email, Slack
😄 Pronouns
⚡️ Fun fact
There are around 700 separate programming languages.
Coding will soon be as important as reading
The first programmer was the daughter of a mad poet.
The first computer virus was a Creeper.
Computer was a job title, and the first programmers were women.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.JS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails
Contributions are always welcome!
See contributing.md
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
Lol! Im 100% human
I basically knew how to code when i was in high school but i sharpen my skills when i joined Moringa School and later Udemy and so on
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Live previews
- Fullscreen mode
- Cross platform
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at ianfixent@gmail.com
Install my-project with npm
npm install my-project
cd my-project
What did you learn while building this project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
What optimizations did you make in your code? E.g. refactors, performance improvements, accessibility
Here are some related projects Notes App
- Additional browser support
- Add more integrations
Clone the project
git clone 'git@github.com:chelahcynthia/my-notes-app.git'
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start
For support, email cchelangat989@gmail.com or cchelangat989@outlook.com
Client: React, Redux, TailwindCSS, JavaScript Server: Node, Express
© By Cynthia Chelangat