Donation plugin for Question2Answer (Q2A) which is a free and open source platform for Q&A sites.
This donation plugin is dependant on the qa-waves-pay plugin.
The plugin allows anyone to donate points to members of Q2A sites by buying the points with Waves tokens.
- Allow anyone to donate points to members of Q2A sites.
- Allow anyone to buy points with Waves tokens.
- Separate management of the donation points from the system points.
- Show member's total points inclusive of the donation points.
- Implement a Donate link next to a member's points.
- Configurable token-per-point rates.
- Install the qa-waves-pay plugin and make the necessary configuration.
- Download and extract the donation plugin files into the Q2A plugin folder qa-plugin/donation.
- In the Q2A Admin menu click the Donation Point Rates sub-menu.
- Click the Add Rate button.
- Select an Asset name.
- Enter the Rate per point for the selected asset.
- Click the Add button.
- Add more rates as required.
- Click on the Donate link next to a member's points.
- Enter the number of points to donate.
- Click the Donate button.
- Select the amount of tokens to pay for the points.
- Click the Pay button.
- The user will be redirected to the Waves client to complete the payment.
- The user will be redirected back to Q2A with a thank you note.