
Explore a robust Atomic Design Components library with reusable UI elements organized by atomic design principles: atoms (basic elements), molecules (compound components), organisms (complex UI sections), and templates (page layouts). Build scalable and maintainable interfaces efficiently, ensuring consistency and flexibility in web development.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Atomic Design Components Library

Welcome to the Atomic Design Components Library repository! This library contains a collection of reusable UI components organized according to the atomic design methodology. Use these components to build scalable and maintainable user interfaces for your web projects.


Atomic design is a systematic approach to UI development that emphasizes the creation of small, reusable components arranged in a hierarchical structure. This repository implements the atomic design principles by categorizing components into atoms, molecules, organisms, and templates.

Key Features

  • Atoms: Basic UI elements like buttons, inputs, icons, and typography styles.
  • Molecules: Compound components formed by combining atoms, such as forms, navigation bars, and cards.
  • Organisms: Complex UI sections composed of molecules and atoms, representing specific sections of a user interface (e.g., headers, product listings, footers).
  • Templates: Wireframes or layouts defining the structure of pages using organisms and molecules.


To use the Atomic Design Components Library in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/atomic-design-components.git