Final Project
This is a place for you to upload your final project. Instructions are as follows:
- Choose one of the following topics.
- Address the problem using statistical computing.
- Write up your work using Rmarkdown.
- Upload your report to your copy of this repository (preferably as a .md or .pdf).
Due date: Monday May 11th @4pm. Note that this is a ‘hard' deadline.
Possible topics (see slides for lecture 12 for more details):
- The Sudoku exercise.
- Implement tempered MCMC to simulate Gamma rvs. Do both Gamma(2.3,2.7) and Gamma(0.1,0.01). You must use a perturbation kernel. So something like q' = q + Normal(0,sigma^2).
- Use simulation to tackle one of the “Riddler” problems on the slides.
- Report on a question from your own research that uses statistical computation.