Hi there, I'm Chelsea 👋

🌱 I’m currently

  • a Senior Full Stack Developer with a passion for Front End
  • a Junior Swift Developer and excited to learn more

🚀 Things I want to learn more about

  • I'm always trying to broaden my Full Stack skills, but currently focused on becoming an Angular expert
  • I'm loving the journey of learning Swift
  • I'm very interested in how AI can help me grow as a Developer and improve the quality of my projects

🔥 Something I'm proud of

  • I'm often the person people come to when they know they need someone who can upskill QUICKLY
  • I love learning new things and I'm a very fast learner

😆 The Fun Stuff

  • 👩‍👩‍👦 I'm a foster parent and I absolutely love it!
  • ⛴️ Fun fact: I lived on a boat in Boston for 2 years
  • 🩻 I completed my first year of medical school before realizing technology was my real passion
  • 💬 Ask me about the camper van I'm renovating

📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn