Project 1: Navigation

This projects focuses on a player agent control approach realized with the technology: "Deep Q Learning". The environment is a squared place with yellow and blue bananes distributed over the place.

Project Details

The agents goal is to collect the yellow bananas (reward +1) and to avoid blue bananes (reward -1). The state space is a vector with 37 entries describing the velocity, direction and the environment. The agent is able to choose between 4 options: forward, left, right and backwards. The goal is to find a control strategy, which maximizes the total average return.

Getting Started

  1. clone the project and open the Navigation.ipynb notebook.


Follow the instructions in Navigation.ipynb to get started with training your own agent! Consider, that there are 3 pretrained models which can be chosen without running the (time-consuming) training process to demonstrate the functionality. Find the corresponding section in the (4. Validate the functionality) chapter.