
Couple Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Text Analytics

Tableau Dashboard Link

Project Overview

This text mining project to analyzes messages sent from the couple's chatting app called Between.

1113 Days
144,011 Messages
694,967 Words
Sender BF GF
Number of Messages 80,007 64,004
Word Count 384,341 310,626
Avg Message Length 24.3 24.6
Avg Messages Per Day 89 72

Part 1: Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

  • Export data from the app as a text file and then convert to an .xlsx
  • Import .xslx file as csv and wrangle into a pandas df
  • Extracted following features: date message sent, time message sent, sender name, message body

Part 2: Basic EDA

  • Frequency of total messages sent
  • Frequency of messages sent throughout days of the week
  • Compared frequency between BF and GF

Part 3: WordClouds

  • Overall WordCloud from all message history
  • WordCloud from BF messages vs. WordCloud from GF messages
  • Look for common words, themes, patterns

Part 4: Sentiment Analysis

  • Evaluate sentiment scores from Vader
  • Evaluate polarity score from TextBlob
  • Vader vs. TextBlob comparison
  • See changes in sentiment over time

Part 5: Text Classification

  • Find words that best define the overall message history using spaCy
  • KMeans clustering to look for common themes/patterns

Data Visualizations