Review Exercise - Sequelize

We ask you to do this primarily to help us understand how well you've absorbed. Your submission will primarily be used to understand how we can better help you.

Also, we ask that you don't help each other or cheat. Feel free to use any online resource but don't copy/paste answers to each other or if you find something similar online.


The following resources are allowed:

  • Any notes you've taken so far.
  • Any code you have in your previous projects.
  • All the slide decks that we've used in class.

Things we're checking

  • Sequelize Model Configuration


  1. Fork this repo
  • npm install
  • npm test
  • Start working through test/task.model.spec.js, writing your solution in models/task.model.js.


  1. git commit -am 'submission for deadline'
  • git push