Programmer: an artist who can see formal patterns inside a model and has the ability to make a new order with them.
DGAZaragoza, Spain
chemacortes's Following
- aparoAccenture Italia S.P.A
- ChemaGit
- evancz
- FrancescAlted@FrancescAlted
- Ghurtchu@evolution-gaming
- jaalonsoUniversidad de Sevilla
- jan0schWegtam GmbH - @wegtam
- kookmaAmirkabir University of Technology
- kubouchFinland
- lihaoyi
- lmorillas@CPIFP-Los-Enlaces
- logseq
- magdzikk@softwaremill
- n8han@TransitApp
- paf31Los Angeles, CA
- pop-os
- ralsinaSan Isidro
- rockthejvm
- shadajUC Berkeley
- shekhargulatiIndia
- softwaremillWarsaw, Poland