
Imlib 2 library fork

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

A loader for ID3v2 picture tags in audio files		-*- text -*-


ID3v2 is a format used to embed metadata within popular audio formats like
mp3. ID3v2 officially describes a wide range of metadata that could possibly be
associated with some audio/music, like Artist, Album, Composer etc. (apart from
being extensible to allow nonstandard arbitrary metadata as well) These pieces
of data are held as `frames' in an ID3v2 tag in the audio file. One such type of
frame is the `Associated Picture' (APIC) frame used to store pictures associated
with the audio (like say, the picture of the lead artist). There could be
multiple such frames in a file. Visit http://www.id3.org for more information.

Well, I suppose that makes the purpose of this image loader clear. This loader
depends on the libid3tag library (atleast version 0.15). This is a helper
library for the MAD, a GPL'd high quality MPEG audio decoder, and can be found
in the same place as MAD. (http://www.underbit.com/products/mad)


The filename to be passed to the loader, is as in imlib2 convention, of the form
`filename.mp3:key'. The key is a comma separated list of `parameter=value'
pairs, spaces are significant. Any item without an `=' is treated as the value
for the parameter `index'. In case of repetition, the last occurrence is
used. The supported parameters are:

|  index   |Numeric value. 1-based index of picture frame to be extracted.      |
|          |Defaults to 1, the first frame.                                     |
|          |An image loaded by the loader can be made to contain a `next' image |
|          |tag containing the full filename:key string of some other image in  |
|          |the file, when this parameter in non-zero. In such a case, the next |
| traverse |tag points to `index+N'th image of the file, where N is the value   |
|          |given here. Common values include `1', for the next image, and `-1' |
|          |for the previous image. Default is `1' if there is no key for the   |
|          |image to be loaded, and `0' otherwise.                              |
|          |An opaque integer got from the `context' tag of an existing         |
|          |image. See the section below on the tags provided with each         |
|          |image. `tag' here refers to data which can be attached to any imlib |
|          |image, and is not to be confused with ID3 tags. The context of an   |
|          |existing image passed as a parameter indicates that both images come|
|          |from the same file. This saves some work for the loader in such a   |
|  context |case. This parameter is normally not necessary, as such a case      |
|          |usually occurs when the filename of both the images are the same,   |
|          |and only the key differs, and this case is taken care of by the     |
|          |loader automatically. Obscure cases of the same tag for different   |
|          |filenames (like, symlinks for example) can be taken care by this    |
|          |parameter. A context is valid as long as any of the images using it |
|          |are valid.                                                          |


|     index     |1-based index of picture frame in the file which the image     |
|               |refers to.                                                     |
|     count     |The total number of picture frames present in the file to which|
|               |this picture frame belongs.                                    |
|               |An opaque id corresponding to the ID3v2 tag from which the     |
|    context    |picture came. Images from the same tag have the same           |
|               |context. See the context parameter above for a possible use.   |
|               |A filename:key string of a related image in the same ID3v2 tag,|
|               |as required by the `traverse' argument passed for the          |
|     next      |file. This imlib tag is absent when traverse is 0, and it's    |
|               |value is NULL when no image frame satisfying the given traverse|
|               |value is present (like traverse=1 called with the last image   |
|               |frame).                                                        |
|   mime-type   |The mime type of the picture rendered.                         |
|  id3-picture  |A string describing the picture type, amongst a set of         |
|     -type     |predefined types described by the ID3v2 standard.              |
|               |An integer between 0-3 describing the text encoding used by the|
|               |id3-description imlib tag. The string in the tag gives the     |
|               |corresponding encoding name. The possible values are:          |
|               +---+-----------------------------------------------------------+
|id3-description| 0 |                        ISO-8859-1                         |
|-text-encoding +---+-----------------------------------------------------------+
|               | 1 |              UTF-16 encoded Unicode with BOM              |
|               +---+-----------------------------------------------------------+
|               | 2 |           UTF-16BE encoded Unicode without BOM            |
|               +---+-----------------------------------------------------------+
|               | 3 |                   UTF-8 encoded Unicode                   |
|               |A string describing the image, as given in the ID3 tag. Note   |
|               |that this is different from any comment that might be present  |
|id3-description|in the image itself, as allowed by the image format. The       |
|               |encoding used for the string is given by the imlib tag         |
|               |id3-description-text-encoding.                                 |
|               |The tag could give an external image URL for the picture       |
| id3-link-url  |instead of the actual picture data. The loader uses the URL to |
|               |load the image then, and exposes the URL given by this tag.    |

Eg: to process all images in a file, the following pseudocode should work:

loadname = `foo.mp3' // with no key
do {
	image = load-image (loadname)
	// do whatever you want with the image
	loadname = imlib-tag (image, `next')
} while (loadname != NULL)


An ID3v2 tag can contain many picture frames, and it is economical to get all
the picture frames from a tag all at once. So, when the loader is called for one
frame of the tag, and there is more than one frame in the tag, the picture data
for all the frames is parsed and cached, to speed up the loading of the other
picture frames. When memory consumption is of importance, developers likely to
use this loader frequently need to keep this in mind when deciding on the imlib
cache size - as long as the image remains in use or in cache, this parsed data
could stay along.