
A Swiss Army Knife of apps, Don't play indie games without it.

Primary LanguageC#Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


It's features:
-Will play an almost inaudible sound periodically to keep your soundbar on and usable. (Because auto power off is really something they needed..)
-It has 2 hotkeys:
-ctrl+alt+Ins will kill whatever window is topmost. (Because sometimes task manager is not accessible, behind a crashed app that refuses to give up the screen.) <- this is my favorite thing to do
-ctrl+alt+Home will minimize whatever window is topmost. (Because sometimes even perfectly running fullscreen apps refuse to comply with how a window should work.)
-App Denial will periodically check running processes and kill any process matching a line in Denials.txt
-On starting it will run every line in Commands.txt and append to Output.txt
-It is a system tray app, with right click context menue to use or disable features:
-"Kill" the next app you click on.
-"Minimize" the next app you click on.
-"Show" you the Process ID of the next app you click on.