
UNMAINTAINED: Gradle Jacoco plugin

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Maintainer Status

NOTE: This plugin was integrated into Gradle in version 1.6 and this repo will no longer be maintained. See their user guide for more information on the new plugin.

A plugin for adding Jacoco support to the Gradle build tool.

API Documentation

Adding the Plugin

Add the following lines to your build to use the gradle-jacoco plugin.

buildscript {
	repositories { mavenCentral() }
	dependencies { classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-jacoco:0.2.0' }

apply plugin: 'jacoco'

Default Behavior

When the plugin is applied, it will add an extension to the project providing options for configuring the version of Jacoco to use, as well as applying the Jacoco agent to tasks.

By default, all Test tasks will have Jacoco support turned on.

If you use the sonar or sonar-runner plugins, the jacoco plugin will automatically set the unit test and integration test report paths for the project. It will assume that unit test data should come from the test task and that integration test data, if any, will come from an intTest or integTest task.

Any tasks that have Jacoco applied will have their own extension that allows configuration of specific Jacoco options.

Configuring the Plugin

You can use the jacoco extension on the project to do high-level configuration and apply Jacoco to additional tasks.

jacoco {
	// change the version of Jacoco in use
	toolVersion = ''

	// apply to a specific task that implements JavaForkOptions

	// apply to any collection of tasks. any that implement
	// JavaForkOptions will have Jacoco applied

Configuring Tasks Using Jacoco

Any tasks that has Jacoco applied to it will have a jacoco extension that provides access to all of the properties passed into the agent. The extension can also be used to disable Jacoco on the specific task.

test {
	jacoco {
		// would have been enabled by default
		enabled = true

		// change path of execution data
		destPath = 'build/somewhere/else.exec'

Merging Execution Data

If you need to have a single execution file (which is not required for report generation) you can use the JacocoMerge task.

import org.ajoberstar.gradle.jacoco.tasks.*

task mergedData(type: JacocoMerge) {
	// can pass in any task set up for Jacoco
	executionData test, integTest

Creating HTML Reports

If you want an HTML report of your coverage, you can use the JacocoReport task. Report tasks will be created automatically for test, intTest, and integTest tasks, if any.

import org.ajoberstar.gradle.jacoco.tasks.*

task jacocoReport(type: JacocoReport) {
	// can include one or more execution files
	executionData test, integTest

	// specify one or more source sets that you want to report on the coverage of
	sourceSets project.sourceSets.main

	// can also specify additional class and source dirs
	// additionalClassDirs moreStuff
	// additionalSourceDirs moreSourceStuff

Release Notes


  • Fixed JacocoReport tasks to only run if all of their execution data input was created.
  • Fixed automatic Sonar configuration (See #8)
  • Added configuration option to specify the unit and integration task names used for configuration of Sonar and report tasks. (See #9)


  • Improved the API of the JacocoReport and JacocoMerge tasks.
  • Added default JacocoReport tasks for any test, intTest, and integTest tasks to determine coverage of the main source set.
  • Support for the sonar-runner plugin coming in Gradle 1.5.
  • Licensed under Apache Software License.


Initial release. Very rough support in place.