Unity AI Self Driving Car
Span of Project: 12/6/18
Revisited: March 2019
Simulation Background This game simulation is an attempt to create a model that can traverse a racing car track.
Where To Play
How To Play
- Press Play to play the game yourself.
- Press Train to train a generation of cars.
- Press Test to test a trained car.
- Use arrow keys to speed up/slow down the simulation.
Script Accomplishments
- used custom Matrix class, Neural Network class from FlappyBirdAI
- implemented Genetic Algorithm (mutation, cross over, repopulate)
- better rewarding system (gave more points for staying in the middle of the track)
- trained within minutes to make a car that can traverse multiple tracks
- created a ui for playing, training, and testing
- wrote custom script that makes a car track using Unity's MenuItem
- used high mutation (15%)
- only cross over weights that share the same neuron(rows only)
- had 2 parents picked from a pool selection algorithm
- parents made 2 babies instead of 1
- save best brain as a JSON into a txt file
- load brain into game