
Discord bot with soundboard and role management commands

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Install ffmpeg, this will be needed to process audio files
  2. Provide the required flags through command line or env vars:


Commands can be run in any channel the bot has read access to. Any message starting with / will be interpretted as a command.

  • /help: display all available commands
  • /kill: disable the bot, only works when run by user with admin role
  • /roll [NUM]: generate a random number between 0 (exclusive) and NUM(inclusive), in math notation this is [0, NUM).NUM` defaults to 100.
  • /audio:
    • disconnect: disconnect from current voice channel
    • join: join you current voice channel
    • list: list available sound clips
    • play NAME: plays a sound clip, see audio list
    • remove NAME: remove a sound clip, see audio list
    • stop: stop playing the current sound clip
    • upload: upload sound clip(s) using attachments, see audio list
  • /roles
    • assign @USER @ROLE: assign a user to a role, requires admin role
    • create NAME: create a role, requires admin role
    • join @ROLE: join a role
    • leave @ROLE: leave a role
    • list: list all roles you currently have
    • remove @ROLE: remove a role, requires admin role