BoozeHound Cocktail Finder(Currently in development)

This is my first project for GA SEIR Program. The purpose of this app is to conveniently find cocktail recipes. Both bartenders and patrons alike can use this app to find the recipe for your favorite cocktails! Just search by name and BoozeHound will fetch the recipe. Not sure what to sip? Sniff out your knew favorite bev by using the the random cocktail generator! Let's booze and howl at the moon! PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY

Technologies Used


Other styling tools




Getting Started

Click here to see the deployed project. Just click the button and a random cocktail recipe will be generated.

Future Enhancements

-Search for cocktail by name
-Search for cocktail by base spirit or ingredients
-Add  a retro style "Tron-esque" background
-Only display the required ingredients and git rid of objects with a value of 'null'
-Style font
-Style header with a neon type font 
-Add default photo or icon