
Raam App is a Django Group Project

Primary LanguagePython


Community based, all-in-one app where anyone can create a local food pantry to lend a helping hand to their community or locate a local pantry to donate to or pick up essential items.

Check out the app here

Technologies Used

Python Postgresql Django HTML CSS Materialize Heroku

Other Technologies


 Screenshots  Screenshots  Screenshots

Future Features

  • Google api search
  • Photo Uploads
  • Cart / Check out proccess
  • Real-Time Stock Checker

How to Contribute

Feel free to fork and pull request any ideas , features you have! Approval within 24hrs

Usage Instructions

Clone this repository e.g.

git clone git@github.com:deparkes/raam.git

Navigate to the 'raam' Django project:

cd raam/main_app

Run migrations to update/create database

python manage.py migrate

Run the Django development server

python manage.py runserver

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