Rattlesnake Milk Website

This is my third project for General Assembly SEIR Program. The website is a MERN stack application I have built for a band called Rattlesnake Milk based out of Lockhart, Tx. I've built two separate frontends. One is the admin page with forms to update the bands upcoming show dates and the other is the page that visitors will see. Both are connected to the same backend so anything created on the admin with copulate to the visitor site.

Technologies Used

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node.js
  • SASS


Home Page Shows Page Listen Page Videos Page

Getting Started

Admin Site

Click here to see the deployed project.

Visitor Site

Click here to see the deployed project.

Future Enhancements

  • Add IG, FB, and Twitter icons linked to those sites.

  • Add Google Firebase to admin site.

  • Deploy to bands domain.