
Simple Express Authorization Code Grant Example for Nextcloud's Custom App 'Social Login' Based on 'node-oauth2-server' Project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Express Authorization Code Grant Example for Nextcloud's Custom App Social Login Based on module oauth2-server.

Installation and Setup

  1. git clone this Repo;
  2. make sure that mongodb service running in your env;
  3. cd into project root folder and run nodemon start;

Nextcloud's Social Login App

Social Login app Makes possible create users and login via Telegram, OAuth or OpenID, after install this app on Nextcloud, we can config a Custom Oauth2 plugin this:

Image text

Authorization FLow

For authorization code grant mode,there are actually 3 kernel steps:

  1. Authorize: get authorizationCode;
  2. Token: use authorizationCode to exchange accessToken;
  3. Authenticate: use accessToken to get 'classified' information.

I used oauth2-server module to build my authorization flow.

Step 1:Authorize


For authorize process, oauth2-server module uses so called in this part Social Login will POST a query to get authorization code, just like http://server_addresss/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=_nextcloud&redirect_uri=redirect_uri&scope=&state=HA-GOVXLJMQZB7NW3FH8UYCA50RS9IDK26T14PE, basic flow is:

  1. getClient(): from request.body get client_id and client_secret,then get a client object, you need to implement this function in your own models;
  2. getUser(): from request.body or requset.session get user_id,then get a user object, you need to implement this function in your own models;
  3. generateAuthorizationCode():use client object & user object generate one authorizationcode, module has done this for you;
  4. saveAuthorizationCode(): save authorization code, you need to implement this function in your own models;
  5. oauth server return a response with code in it: http://redirect_uri&code=your_code&state=some_state.

Step 2:Token


In this process, Social Login will POST a query with authorization code to get access_token. Url may looks like: http://server_addresss/oauth/token?code=your_code&state=HA-GOVXLJMQZB7NW3FH8UYCA50RS9IDK26T14PE, basic flow is:

  1. getClient(): same as Authorize;
  2. handleGrantType(): as for authorization code grant type, this function use handler of node-oauth-server/lib/grant-types/authorization-code-grant-type.js;
    • getAuthorizationCode(): use the authcode in request.body to get a authorizationcode object, you need to implement this function in your own models;
    • validateRedirectUri(): validate whether redirect uri of requset and redirect uri of authcode got above is the same one, module has done this for you;
    • revokeAuthorizationCode(): delete code has been used, you need to implement this function in your own models;
    • saveToken(): save token to your storage, you need to implement this function in your own models;
  3. updateSuccessResponse(): return a response with token to Social Login.

Step 3:Authenticate


After gets access_token, Social Login tries to GET user info with access_token, url may looks like: http://server_addresss/userinfo?token=your_token&state=HA-GOVXLJMQZB7NW3FH8UYCA50RS9IDK26T14PE, basic flow is:

  1. getTokenFromRequest(): get access_token token value from request;
  2. getAccessToken(): use token value get an access_token object, you need to implement this function in your own models;
  3. validateAccessToken(): validate access token.

After all this steps, if everything works fine, we can login to Nextcloud based on own user information.