
Convert a audio book mp3 to a mp4 file with subtitle as video.

Primary LanguagePython

Audio book to mp4 with text

This project is intended to convert a audio book mp3 to a mp4 file with subtitle as video.

The result mp4 will looks like: screenshot

How to use

  1. Register Azure and get the speech recognition key and translator key. Follow:
  1. Run docker:
docker build -t audio_book .
docker run -e SPEECH_KEY=xxx -e SPEECH_REGION=xxx -e TRANSLATOR_KEY=xxx -e TRANSLATOR_REGION  -d -v $(pwd):/data audio_book ./run.sh

How does the project works?

  1. The run.sh will scan the ./input directory for mp3 file, then foreach file, it will do the following process.
  2. The captioning.py will be called and mp3 file will be uploaded to azure to recognize the subtitle. The subtitle srt file will be saved to output directory.
  3. The translate.py will load the srt and send to azure to translate it to chinese and append to the -ch.srt file in output directory.
  4. The generate_video.py will load the mp3 file and srt file, and use moviepy library to generate a mp4 in output directory.