
This repo contains code to help calculate the amount of government grants a list of charities has received.

It takes two types of file:

  1. -c: A CSV containing the list of charities to find grant totals for
  2. -d: Path to SQLite database containing entries from containing data from Form 990 Part VIII line 1e

Making the data.csv

  1. Download "", unzip
  2. Download "", unzip
  3. tail -n+2 GovernmentGrants/GovernmentGrants.csv > data.csv, to remove the copyright notice
  4. tail -n+3 GovernmentGrantsAmt/GovernmentGrantsAmt.csv >> data.csv, to remove the copyright notice and schema header, and append it to data.csv

Making the grants.db

ch $ sqlite3 grants.db
SQLite version 3.19.3 2017-06-27 16:48:08
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import "data.csv" grants
sqlite> .quit