
Tools for working with DUNE ND-LAr ML reco based on https://github.com/DeepLearnPhysics/lartpc_mlreco3d

Primary LanguagePython

dune-nd-lar-reco: Tools for using lartpc_mlreco3d with DUNE ND-LAr sim

Original author: J. Wolcott <jwolcott@fnal.gov>

Last update to this document: October 2021


This repository contains tools for applying and evaluating the DeepLearnPhysics/lartpc_mlreco3d deep learning reconstruction pipeline on DUNE ND-LAr simulation.

At present, the application is to the output of edep-sim, i.e., the GEANT4 simulation of the detector. The output of full larnd-sim simulation will hopefully be connected to the pipeline in the near future.

There are essentially 3 steps the tools here facilitate:

  • Training the algorithm weights using DUNE ND-LAr edep-sim (Section 1)
  • Evaluating the algorithms on edep-sim (Section 2)
  • Making summary plots from the output of the previous step (Section 3)

There is also an inference Jupyter notebook that serves as a rudimentary event display (Section 4).

Section 0 contains notes about software setup.

0. Prerequisites

Software environment


lartpc_mlreco3d depends on a number of Python libraries that can be a pain to install. The DeepLearnPhysics group maintains a collection of Docker containers that have the requisite software already available inside them: https://hub.docker.com/r/deeplearnphysics/larcv2 Choose the latest one that is compatible with the version of CUDA necessary for your GPU.

If you plan to only run the reconstruction, and not make .larcv.root files yourself, you can likely use one of these containers without building larcv2 yourself.

This package (dune-nd-lar-reco)

Always run the scripts in this package using the dune-nd-lar-reco dir as the working directory (cd /path/to/dune-nd-lar-reco). Otherwise you'll get Module not found errors when they try to import their dependencies.

(todo: add __init__.py and make this an actual importable package)

Input files: larcv2

You probably won't need the instructions in this section unless you need to make larcv2 files yourself. (See the Docker containers above.) The instructions are still retained here for reference, just in case.

Build & setup

In order to be understood by mlreco3d, input files must be in LArCV format (ROOT TTrees with special objects in them, stored in a .root file). The appropriate .larcv.root files are produced using the DeepLearnPhysics/larcv2 package.

However, because larcv2 was originally written to accept the fully simulated output from the larsoft framework, we use a fork:


LArCV is relatively straightforward to build. This fork requires recent builds of ROOT 6, GEANT4, and edep-sim, all of which should be accessible in the $PATH (use their setup scripts). It also requires Python with the numpy library. (This should be the same as the numpy you're going to use with mlreco3d in the subsequent steps.) Once they are:

cd /path/to/larcv2
source configure.sh

Then, subsequently, repeat the source configure.sh step in order to set up larcv2 for use.

Creating files from edep-sim

(This section may be skipped if input files in larcv.root format are already available. The DUNE ND Production effort intends to produce .larcv.root files as part of its workflow, so check there first!)

The software necessary for the edep-sim-to-larcv2 process is kept in the larcv/app/Supera subdirectory of the larcv2 fork mentioned above. There is a driver script, run_supera.py. Usage:

# could also be `python3` depending on your installation
python run_supera.py <config.cfg> edep_sim.root [edep_sim2.root ...]

Configuration files (used in place of the <config.cfg> placeholder) configure the operation. You'll probably want to use supera-ndlar.cfg, which is set up for the ND-LAr geometry.

The output will be written to the file specified by the OutFileName key in the configuration file.

Batch processing on the grid

Supera has been integrated into the ND Production workflow. This means that .larcv.root files should be part of the official output.

However, if you need to batch-produce .larcv.root files from edep-sim output, the run_supera_grid.sh script in the grid/ subdirectory of this package can be used (along with an installation of larcv2) on Fermigid to produce them.

1. Training


Before proceeding here you should at minimum have a basic understanding of the mlreco3d algorithms, how to configure them using .yaml files, and what to expect when you train them. The DeepLearnPhysics group maintains a set of tutorials that you can use to familiarize yourself with the workflow. (The SLAC group's wiki also has useful information on the reconstruction chain, though I believe it's in the process of being deprecated.)

Hardware requirements

At present, the later stages of the chain (the GNNs) tend to be relatively memory-hungry and fairly slow to train. (An update to mlreco3d that is in the process of being released should improve this performance substantially in the near future, however.) Because of this, you will likely find it difficult to train those models using a GPU with less than 20-25 GB of video RAM.

The UResNet+PPN network does not suffer from these issues.

Running the training

Though training can be done straightforwardly in a Jupyter notebook (as in the tutorials), I find it convenient to have a driver script that can be run from the command line with switches to easily override various configuration options. Instead of clobbering the run.py that comes with mlreco3d with everything I wanted, I wrote my own scripts. For training, TrainChain.py is my driver. Pass the --help flag to it to see what options it supports.

Example invocation, specifying config, input .larcv.root file, directory for output:

python3 TrainChain.py -c config.train.inter-gnn.yaml \
                      -i $data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco//supera/geom-20210405-pileup/FHC.1000001.overlay.larcv.root \
                      --output_dir $data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco/train/intergnn-120evs-1000Kits-batch16

Configuration files

There are a number of reasonably current configurations for training various subsets of the models in the configs/ subdirectory of this repository. At present, they are trained sequentially:

Note that because the latter two each depend on the previous stage for input, the names of the checkpoints from the previous step are baked into the configurations (look for the model_path keys under the various models). They will have to be modified if you choose to run them yourself.


A successful run will populate the output directory with a .csv log file (containing loss metrics for each iteration) and, depending on the configuration, .ckpt "checkpoint" files containing all network weights at a given iteration of training.


A Jupyter notebook illustrating how to plot relevant training metrics from the .csv log file may be found in (notebooks/LossAna.ipynb)[https://github.com/chenel/dune-nd-lar-reco/blob/main/notebooks/LossAna.ipynb] in this repository. (It's more or less a copy of one of the DeepLearnPhysics tutorial notebooks, and doesn't contain anything new.)

2. Evaluation

Running evaluation

Evaluating the models on .larcv.root files is similar to training. There is an analogous driver script, RunChain.py, in this repository. Again, consult its --help to see what options it supports.

Sample invocation:

python3 RunChain.py --config_file configs/config.inference.fullchain-pileup.yaml \
                    --model_file $data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco/train/track+intergnn-1400evs-1000Kits-batch8/snapshot-99.ckpt \
                    --batch_size 1 
                    --input_file $data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco/supera/geom-20210405-pileup/FHC.1000015.larcv.root \
                    --output_file $data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco/reco-out/geom-20210405-pileup/FHC.1000015.overlay.reco.npz


  • Always run inference using --batch_size 1 (or ensure your inference configuration files have batch_size: 1). Though it's marginally (~15%) faster to run with larger batches, if an event happens not to produce any of the output products, the empty product(s) will be collapsed together with those of the subsequent event. This will result in misalignment of the products in the output and you won't be able to match events together correctly.


RunChain.py produces two types of output:

  • A dump of the output products from inference in the file specified by --output_file in Numpy compressed .npz format.
  • (Optionally) a "summary" .h5 (HDF5 format) containing higher-level object groupings. (Currently only records track candidates; but soon, interaction info and eventually other interesting quantities should be available as well.) The TMS group has been the primary user of these files so far. Use --summary_hdf5 to enable and specify the destination file.

3. Making plots


This package contains a rudimentary plotting framework to help evaluate the performance of the reconstruction. Once again it has a driver macro, Plots.py. This accepts the .npz output of the evaluation step as its input. Example invocation:

python3 Plots.py --input_file "$data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco/reco-out/geom-20210405-pileup/FHC.1000015.overlay.reco.npz" \
                  --output_dir $data/dune/nd/nd-lar-reco/plots/fullchain-geom20210405-pileup \
                  --overwrite \

This example would create only the plots about neutrino interactions (--only_inter), overwriting (--overwrite) whatever happened to already be present in the --output_dir. For more options, consult the --help.

Design notes

Modularization of plot-making

The various plots are modularized by step in the reconstruction chain; each has its own module (ss_plotting.py for semantic segmentation; ppn_plotting.py for PPN; etc.) The driver script Plots.py has a registry KNOWN_PLOT_MODULES, from which the various flags for enabling or disabling the modules are built.

Plots.py takes care of handling command-line arguments and loading the reco products from input file. These are then passed along to the individual plotting modules. Each plotting module has two required ingredients:

  • BuildHists(), which consumes the reco products and produces summaries (usually histograms, see the discussion below) from them;
  • PlotHists(), which takes the output from BuildHists(), draws it, and saves its output to the location passed in from Plots.py.

Each module's BuildHists() is wrapped with a Python decorator function @plotting_helpers.req_vars_hist that informs Plots.py which products it needs from the file; this enables the Plots.py to optimize which products are used across all the enabled modules. (I briefly investigated trying to deduce these automatically from the plotting functions themselves, but it appeared to require too much Python introspection black magic to be feasible in the time I had available. Contributions welcome!)


Though not by any means mandatory, most of the plotting modules make use of some histogram-making helpers in plotting_helpers.py. The relevant ingredients:

  • plotting_helpers.Hist, which is a wrapper class that aggregates repeated calls to numpy.histogram() from independent events;
  • decorator function plotting_helpers.hist_aggregate, which declares a function in one of the plotting modules to be a "histogram function" that, given the data products, will return a value to be summed into a histogram. (Read its docstring to get a sense of what it's doing.)

Each of the histogram functions is then called over each event by BuildHists(). (See, e.g., track_plotting.py for examples.)

todo: Create a decorator for caching internal-calculation functions and document here.

4. "Event display"

mlreco3d has some helper functions that making plotting the output of the inference relatively straightforward. This can serve as a rudimentary event display.

The Jupyter notebook notebooks/FullChainInference in this repository illustrates how this can work.