Build All

$ make

Before Run

You should mount your PMEM* to a NVM-aware filesystem with DAX.

$ sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/pmem0
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/pmem
$ sudo mount -o dax /dev/pmem0 /mnt/pmem
$ sudo modprobe msr

Run with PiBench

$ make
$ cd bin
$ sudo ./PiBench [] [args...]

$ sudo ./PiBench ./ -r 0 -i 1 -t 32 -n 1024 -p 1024


The PiBench executable is generated and supports the following arguments:

$ ./PiBench --help
Benchmark framework for persistent indexes.
  PiBench [OPTION...] INPUT

      --input arg           Absolute path to library file
  -n, --records arg         Number of records to load (default: 0)
  -N, --negative_ratio arg  Negative search ratio (default: 0.000000)
  -S, --hash_size arg       hashtable size (default: 4096)
  -M, --test_mode arg       Test mode (default: THROUGHPUT)
  -p, --operations arg      Number of operations to execute (default: 1024)
  -t, --threads arg         Number of threads to use (default: 1)
  -r, --read_ratio arg      Ratio of read operations (default: 0.000000)
  -i, --insert_ratio arg    Ratio of insert operations (default: 1.000000)
  -d, --remove_ratio arg    Ratio of remove operations (default: 0.000000)
      --skip_load           Skip the load phase (default: true)
      --distribution arg    Key distribution to use (default: UNIFORM)
      --help                Print help

Test mode



$ sudo ./PiBench ./ -S 16777216 -p 200000000 -M THROUGHPUT


the load factor of hash table during execution. eg:

$ sudo ./PiBench ./ -S 16777216 -p 200000000 -M LOAD_FACTOR

For Dash, you need to recompile with DA_FLAGS=-DCOUNTING

$ make clean -C hash/Dash
$ make DA_FLAGS=-DCOUNTING -C hash/Dash
$ make


$ sudo ./PiBench ./ -S 16777216 -p 200000000 -M RESIZE

PM info

$ sudo ./PiBench ./ -S 16777216 -p 200000000 -M PM


$ sudo ./PiBench ./ -S 16777216 -p 200000000 -M LATENCY