
Homework 1

Implment regularized linear model regression (polynomial basis) and do visualization.

Homework 2

2-1: Use MNIST dataset to implment Naive Bayes classifier.
2-2: Use online learning to learn the beta distribution of the parameter p (chance to see 1) of the coin tossing trails in batch.

Homework 3

Implment random data generator and use the data from it to do Sequential Estimator and Baysian Linear Regression.

Homework 4

4-1: Implment Logistic Regression.
4-2: Use MNIST dataset to implment EM algorithm.

Homework 5

5-1: Implement Gaussian Process.
5-2: SVM on MNIST dataset

Homework 6

6-1: Kernel K-means
6-2: Spectral Clustering

Homework 7

7-1: Kernel Eigenfaces
7-2: t-SNE