
Demo relating to blog post.

Primary LanguageSwift

Weather Fun - Custom Views

  • Swift 3
  • Xcode Version 8.0 beta (8S128d)


This is a how to in creating a custom reusable view using XIB's in Interface Builder.

I will be creating a XIB file, a class which subclasses from UIView along with a model struct that represents a Weather object.


XIB File

  • First, lets create the XIB file. File --> New will present us with this window:


  • Select User Interface under the iOS heading on the left and his Next. I named the file WeatherView. After doing so, you should see the WeatherView.xib file in the navigator pane on the left.
  • Select the WeatherView.xib file, you should be presented with the following:


  • In the Utilities Menu, which you open up by selecting the right-most button in the top right of Xcode, select the Attributes inspector which will bring up various options.
  • Underneath the Simulated Metrics, we want to change the size to freeform:


  • Now going to the Size Inspector (icon that looks like a ruler next to the Attributes Inspector), I want to set the Height & Width of this View on screen. I'm setting the Width to equal 600 pts, and the Height to equal 300 pts like so:


  • I want to stick to these proportions even though the UIView object that will have its Custom Class set to this particular WeatherView object might not be 600w x 300h. When I later create this UIView object in the Main.storyboard file, I will want to stick to these proportions (or make the constraints equal to 600w x 300h to match this). This might not make too much sense now, come back to it when this is all complete.

  • Next, you design your view. I've already done the work here (I won't step through how I did it as it's not the point of this blog). You can check out the project here.


View Class

  • Lets create a new Cocoa Touch Class like so:


  • Make sure it's a subclass of UIView. I'm naming this view WeatherView.


  • The contents of your WeatherView.swift file should look like this:


  • Next, I added the following methods:
import UIKit

final class WeatherView: UIView {
    // If someone is to initialize a WeatherView in code
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
    // If someone is to initalize a WeatherView in Storyboard setting the Custom Class of a UIView
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
    private func commonInit() {
        //TODO: Do some stuff
  • To take advantage of Static Dispatch (in that this WeatherView class will NOT be sublcalssed, I marked it final).
  • init(frame:) is inherited from UIView, WeatherView is subclassed from UIView. Here, we're overriding its implementation first calling on super's implementation passing in the frame we receive in as an argument.
  • init?(coder:) is inherited from UIView, but it was marked as required in UIView's implemntation, because of that.. we are required to mark it as required as well. Similar to init(frame:) we are first calling on super's implementation passing in the NSCoder object we receive.
  • You'll notice that both methods just described both call on commonInit() which is marked as a private function. Marking it private only allows for people within this particular .swift file (WeatherView.swift) to call on this method. This protects us from having this function get called from any other file.

Hopefully, I have your full attention. If not (don't just keep reading). Go back and re-read any sections you glossed over. In making sure you understand this material, it's important that you understand every step of the way.


Lets go back to the XIB file for a moment.

Back to the XIB file

  • In the WeatherView.xib file, I'm selecting the File's Owner in the left pane like so:


  • When File's Owner is selected, take a look in the top right underneath the selected Identity Inspector. Under Custom Class we can open the drop down menu under the option Class or type something in that box. Lets set it to our WeatherView class file.


  • Bring up the assistant editor now (I like mine split where I have the code portion at the bottom and the view elements on top):


  • Option drag from the View seen here in the following screenshot into your code as an Outlet and name it contentView.


  • After doing that, setup all of the other UILabel's and UIImageView like so:


  • Now we can access these view elements in code! Lets go back to the WeatherView.swift file now.

Back to the View Class

  • Lets go back to the WeatherView.swift and implement the commonInit() method that is marked with a TODO.
private func commonInit() {
        // 1. Load the nib named 'WeatherView' into memory, finding it in the main bundle.
        Bundle.main().loadNibNamed("WeatherView", owner: self, options: [:])
        // 2. Adding the 'contentView' to self (self represents the instance of a WeatherView which is a 'UIView').
        // 3. Setting this false allows us to set our constraints on the contentView programtically
        contentView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        // 4. Setting the constraints programatically
        contentView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor).isActive = true
        contentView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor).isActive = true
        contentView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leftAnchor).isActive = true
        contentView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: rightAnchor).isActive = true
  • I'm going to touch on 2. for a minute. The .xib file itself contains a UIView object (which we've been adding other UIView objects to.. the multiple labels and the imageView). The constraints on those various view elements were made to what is now named contentView which is the UIView object in the .xib file. But.. here we are inside of WeatherView class, which is a sublcass of UIView which means it IS a UIView. Ok.. so we have two separate UIView's here, but we know that the WeatherView acts as the owner of the UIView now named contentView in the WeatherView.xib file.


Stick with me.

  • Whenever an instance of our WeatherView view object is created (whether that be in code or Interface Builder), commonInit() will be called on that instance. When that occurs, we load into memory the WeatherView.xib file which hooks up all our outlets as the WeatherView.swift file is its owner. Then, we add contentView as a subview to self, self being the newly greated instance of WeatherView (again.. that will occur either in code somewhere or in Interface Builder which we will do later). The subview we're adding to self here is the contentView which contains ALL of those view elements we created. But.. how will that contentView constrain itself to the view it's now be placed inside of. It doesn't know how to do that so we set the translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property on the contentView to false which allows us to programtically create constraints on it. So we do that. We then set the constraints of the contentView to equal self's top, bottom, left, and right anchors. That constrains the contentView to fit perfectly into self (self again being the instance of WeatherView).

  • Lets put this in action.


  • To demonstrate how this will work, go to the Main.Storyboard file and drag out a View onto the canvas, like so:


  • Here, I'm setting up the constraints of the view we just dragged in like so (making sure to adhere to that 2:1 proportion of constraints we created in the .xib file (600w, 300h) which looking back was a little aggressive. I should have kept the ratio but made it slightly smaller.


  • Now select that View object that we just added constraints to and open the Identity Inspector like so:


  • Set the Class there underneath the Custom Class heading to WeatherView


  • That's it.

  • Build & Run:
