
Create ephemeral remote Buildkit instance that can accelerate local builds and destroyed when done.

Uses AWS infrastucture and takes advantage of its per-second billing.

Get Started


  1. Create an AWS IAM user that has permissions to create resources, this will be used by Terraform.
  2. Modify Tailscale's ACL to create a tag for each architecture. Assign owner and ip address pool for the tags.
	"tagOwners": {
		"tag:ec2machine-x86": ["your-tailscale-login@gmail.com"],
		"tag:ec2machine-arm64": ["your-tailscale-login@gmail.com"],

	"nodeAttrs": [
		{"target": ["tag:ec2machine-x86"], "ipPool": [""]},
		{"target": ["tag:ec2machine-arm64"], "ipPool": [""]},
	"ssh": [
		// Allow SSH
			"action": "accept",
			"src":    ["your-tailscale-login@gmail.com"],
			"dst":    ["tag:ec2machine-x86", "tag:ec2machine-arm64"],
			"users":  ["root", "ec2-user"],
  1. Create an auth key at Tailscale, check the "Ephemeral" flag and assign the tag.
  2. Populate the terraform.tfvar file using the example file terraform.tfvar.example.
  3. Create AMI using packer, you will get 2 AMI at the end of the output. Replace the ami attributes in ec2/main.tf.
cd ami/
packer init .
packer build buildkit.pkr.hcl
  1. Run the following command to create all the resouces,
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
  1. In local docker buildx, run the following command to create a remote builder and use it.
docker buildx create --name remote-builder --driver remote tcp://
docker buildx create --append --name remote-builder --driver remote tcp://
docker buildx use remote-builder
docker buildx build -t test \
  --cache-to type=s3,region=us-east-1,bucket=<bucket-name>,mode=max,name=test \
  --cache-from type=s3,region=us-east-1,bucket=<bucket-name>,name=test .

# to remove the remote builder
docker buildx rm remote-builder
  1. To destroy the instance after use, run the following command
terraform destroy --target=module.ec2
  1. This will leave the other resources except EC2 intact. For subsequent builds, just run the following to only create EC2,
terraform plan --target=module.ec2

terraform apply --target=module.ec2
  1. To destroy everything except AMI, run terraform destroy.

  2. To destroy AMI, head over to AWS console, EC2 > AMIs > Select the AMIs > Actions > Deregister AMI. Then head over to Snapshots > Select the snapshot > Actions > Delete snapshot.

Total Cost of Ownership

The expected costs is as follow:

  • Cost for the snapshot used by 2 AMIs: (4518 + 4821 blocks) * 512KiB * 0.05 USD /GB = ~ $0.23 per month
  • Cost for the EC2 instances (billed by second), use c7i-flex.4xlarge spot instance as example, $0.2432/hour.
  • S3 storage cost and EBS volume cost, depending on the usage, can be vary.