
This repository contains the code for replicating the experiments of the MM'19 paper "Learning Subjective Attributes of Images from Auxiliary Sources".

Primary LanguagePython

Subjective Attributes

This repository contains the code for the MM'19 paper "Learning Subjective Attributes of Images from Auxiliary Sources". The code allowing training a model to learn subjective attributes on the marketing and personality datasets.

Running the code

  1. download and unzip the folder data/ in the main folder, next to the folder code/
  2. cd to the main folder
  3. run the following command:
python train.py --attr_path ../data/attributes/<attribute list file> --dataset_path ../data/<dataset folder>/


  • attribute list file is the .txt file specify a sublist of subjective attributes to be learned simultaneously during training. The sublist of attributes can include any of the headers in the aux_data.csv
  • dataset folder is either brand_dataset or personality dataset

Other training options

  • gpu: specifies gpu id
  • fixed_std: if using fixed_std (equals by default to 0.1) against a learned std
  • resume_training: file to which resume training from

Training hyperparameters

These are indicated in the file data/settings.json and include number of epochs, learning rate, batch_size and minimum number of images to filter brands/users

Required dependencies to run the code: