
Demo 3scale ci/cd

Primary LanguageJava

Sample Apps

Refers HelloService for how to deploy this.

CI/CD Demo Using Jenkins

Note: This demo is using the HelloService as the backend API

Deploy Jenkins

  1. Create a project called 3scale-cicd
    oc new-project threescale-jenkins
  2. Use the Helm Chart comes with OpenShift to deploy Jenkins. Make sure the project 3scale-cicd is selected. Install Jenkins with default settings.

Install 3Scale Toolbox

Refers product documentation for 3Scale Toolbox Installation for officailly Red Hat supported installation method.

You can also use gem to install the toolbox. Follow this instruction from Github

Configure 3Scale Toolbox

  1. Create project for 3Scale toolbox

    # This is the OCP project where 3Scale Toolbox POD is scheduled for job.
    oc new-project threescale-toolbox
  2. Create a Access Token on the 3Scale Admin Console. Configure Read/Write access for all the options. Note down the new access token, e.g. 1f5a8eb4f71f2d34555ea77fa6f3711fc767463c10f60eae7c52642af6559e39

  3. Generate toolbox configuration file and create Kubernetes secret

    # 3scale remote add 3scale-tenant https://$TOKEN@$TENANT.3scale.net/
    3scale remote add 3scale-tenant  https://c63b69c2c6d541fc17bfe223c9c526fa4832e2747043dce44c69b9f6ea33eecc@user1-admin.apps.cluster-hk42t.hk42t.sandbox2512.opentlc.com
    # The file is created at the home directory
    oc create secret generic 3scale-toolbox --from-file=$HOME/.3scalerc.yaml -n threescale-toolbox

    Note: This is run locally in your laptop. The .3scalerc.yaml file is created locally at the home dircetory.

    Example .3scalerc.yaml content:

            :authentication: 1f5a8eb4f71f2d34555ea77fa6f3711fc767463c10f60eae7c52642af6559e39
            :endpoint: https://user1-admin.apps.cluster-bt5c8.bt5c8.sandbox1023.opentlc.com

Configure Jenkins

  1. Configure cross project access for Jenkins:

    oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:threescale-jenkins:jenkins -n backend-api
    oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:threescale-jenkins:jenkins -n threescale-toolbox
  2. Create a new Pipeline Project in Jenkins and point it to the Jenkinsfile.

Note: While testing, you should delete the failed service using 3scale service delete 3scale-tenant <service_id> command

Deploy Self Managed API Cast

  1. Create a project:

    oc new-project threescale-apicast
  2. Create the secret:

    oc create secret generic 3scaleportal --from-literal=AdminPortalURL=https://c63b69c2c6d541fc17bfe223c9c526fa4832e2747043dce44c69b9f6ea33eecc@user1-admin.apps.cluster-hk42t.hk42t.sandbox2512.opentlc.com -n threescale-apicast
  3. Deploy the apicast. This creates a staging and production APICast without TLS.

    oc apply -f self-managed-apicast.yaml -n threescale-apicast
