
Credit Service sample app for Event Based Microservices with Red Hat AMQ Streams

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Credit Service

This is credit service built in Nodejs as part of the Payment Gateway demo. You will need to have Kafka server running in order to demo this service. You can deploy a local Kafka server or deploy Red Hat AMQ Streams.

To deploy and run on Openshift

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Modify the following template parameters to suit your environment settings and run the following command to create the container application. oc new-app -f templates/creditservice.json

To run locally

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Navigate to the project folder and enter the following command inside the root folder to start service locally.

KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=localhost:9092 node index.js

Sample Data Structure

The following is the sample data structure to submit to the application as JSON:

{ "action" : "_CREATE", "amount": 5.05, "sourceAccount": "20191029-MY-123456789", "targetAccount": "20191030-MY-123456789" }