OFASys: A Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning System for Building Generalist Models

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Documentation Status License

What is OFASys?

OFASys is a multi-modal multi-task learning system designed to make multi-modal tasks declarative, modular and task-scalable. With OFASys, it is easy to:
  • Rapidly introduce new multi-modal tasks/datasets by defining a declarative one-line instruction.
  • Develop new or reuse existing modality-specific components.
  • Jointly train multiple multi-modal tasks together without manual processing of multi-modal data collating.


  • PyTorch version >= 1.8.0
  • Python version >= 3.7
  • Torchaudio >= 0.8.0


Install with pip

Through the pip installation, users can experience the basic multi-task training and inference functions of OFASys.

pip install http://ofasys.oss-cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com/pkg/ofasys-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Test your installation.

python -c "import ofasys"

Using the audio feature in OFASys requires the soundfile library to be installed. In the Ubuntu OS, run the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1

Install with Source (Optional)

Users can install OFASys from the source code to customize their training tasks and full functions.

git clone https://github.com/OFA-Sys/OFASys.git
cd OFASys
python setup.py develop

Getting Started

The documents contains more instructions for getting started.

Training One Model for All Tasks

Define the Tasks

OFASys can co-train multiple multi-modal tasks flexibly.

from ofasys import Task, Trainer, GeneralistModel
task1 = Task(
     instruction='[IMAGE:image_url] what does the image describe? -> [TEXT:caption]',
task2 = Task(
     instruction='what is the complete text of " [TEXT:sentence,mask_ratio=0.3] "? -> [TEXT:sentence]',

In the simplest scenario, you only need to specify an instruction to define your task and a task name as an identifier. For more details about how to define a task for training, see Define a Task and Train a task.

Set the Dataset

The Task can use a regular Pytorch Dataloader which can be constructed by Huggingface Dataset or a customized Pytorch Dataset.

from datasets import load_dataset
task1.add_dataset(load_dataset('TheFusion21/PokemonCards')['train'], 'train')
task2.add_dataset(load_dataset('glue', 'cola')['train'], 'train')

Create a Generalist Model and Train All Tasks Together

The GeneralistModel of OFASys (OFA+) is capable of handling multiple modalities including: TEXT, IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, MOTION, BOX, PHONE.

The OFASys Trainer “mixes” multiple Tasks with any dataset and abstracts away all the engineering complexity needed for scale.

model = GeneralistModel()
trainer = Trainer()
trainer.fit(model=model, tasks=[task1, task2])

The complete script is available at scripts/trainer_api.py.

Infer Multiple Multi-modal Tasks with One Checkpoint

OFASys can infer multiple multi-modal tasks using just One checkpoint.

from ofasys import OFASys
model = OFASys.from_pretrained('multitask.pt')

OFASys enables multi-task multi-modal inference through the instruction alone. Let's go through a couple of examples!

Image Captioning

instruction = '[IMAGE:img] <BOS> what does the image describe? <EOS> -> <BOS> [TEXT:cap] <EOS>'
data = {'img': "./COCO_val2014_000000222628.jpg"}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)
# "a man and woman sitting in front of a laptop computer"

Visual Grounding

instruction = '[IMAGE:img] <BOS> which region does the text " [TEXT:cap] " describe? <EOS> -> [BOX:patch_boxes,add_bos,add_eos]'
data = {'img': "https://www.2008php.com/2014_Website_appreciate/2015-06-22/20150622131649.jpg", "cap": "hand"}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)

Text Summarization

instruction = '<BOS> what is the summary of article " [TEXT:src] "? <EOS> -> <BOS> [TEXT:tgt] <EOS>'
data = {'src': "poland 's main opposition party tuesday endorsed president lech walesa in an upcoming "
        "presidential run-off election after a reformed communist won the first round of voting ."}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)
# "polish opposition endorses walesa in presidential run-off"

Table-to-Text Generation

instruction = '<BOS> structured knowledge: " [STRUCT:database,uncased] "  . how to describe the tripleset ? <EOS> -> <BOS> [TEXT:tgt] <EOS>'
data = {
     'database': [['Atlanta', 'OFFICIAL_POPULATION', '5,457,831'],
                  ['[TABLECONTEXT]', 'METROPOLITAN_AREA', 'Atlanta'],
                  ['5,457,831', 'YEAR', '2012'],
                  ['[TABLECONTEXT]', '[TITLE]', 'List of metropolitan areas by population'],
                  ['Atlanta', 'COUNTRY', 'United States'],
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data, beam_size=1)
# "atlanta is the metropolitan area in the united states in 2012."

Text-to-SQL Generation

instruction = '<BOS> " [TEXT:src] " ; structured knowledge: " [STRUCT:database,max_length=876] " . generating sql code. <EOS> -> <BOS> [TEXT:tgt] <EOS>'
database = [
             ['stadium', 'stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average'],
             ['singer', 'singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male'],
             ['concert', 'concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year'],
             ['singer_in_concert', 'concert_id , singer_id']
data = [
     {'src': 'What are the names, countries, and ages for every singer in descending order of age?', 'database': database},
     {'src': 'What are all distinct countries where singers above age 20 are from?', 'database': database},
     {'src': 'What are the locations and names of all stations with capacity between 5000 and 10000?', 'database': database}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)
print('\n'.join(o.text for o in output))]
# "select name, country, age from singer order by age desc"
# "select distinct country from singer where age > 20"
# "select location, name from stadium where capacity between 5000 and 10000"

Video Captioning

instruction = '[VIDEO:video] <BOS> what does the video describe? <EOS> -> <BOS> [TEXT:cap] <EOS>'
data = {'video': './video7021.mp4'}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)
# "a baseball player is hitting a ball"

Speech-to-Text Generation

Your browser does not support the audio element.
instruction = '[AUDIO:wav] <BOS> what is the text corresponding to the voice? <EOS> -> [TEXT:text,preprocess=text_phone,add_bos,add_eos]'
data = {'wav': './1272-128104-0001.flac'}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)
# "nor is mister klohs manner less interesting than his manner"

Text-to-Image Generation

instruction = 'what is the complete image? caption: [TEXT:text]"? -> [IMAGE,preprocess=image_vqgan,adaptor=image_vqgan]'
data = {'text': "a city with tall buildings and a large green park."}
output = model.inference(instruction, data=data)