
Tidying jupyter notebooks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tidying jupyter notebooks

Visualise the flow of data


  • graphviz
  • nbformat

Quick start

By looking at the code sections of jupyter notebooks, try to figure out when files are read and written. Construct a graph showing the flow, and render it as a PDF.

# Generate some data
cd examples
python generate_toy.py
cd ..
# Draw the dataflow diagram
python dataflow.py -d examples toyA.ipynb toyB.ipynb toyC.ipynb -t -o toy.pdf

The results are in toy.pdf

Tidying up worksheets

We are using jupyter notebooks for the tutorial exercises and assignments in the Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning course. The tool ipynbhelper.py was written mainly to strip the solution cells from tutorial sheets.

  • ipynbhelper.py is most easily used via the Makefile.
  • Solution cells can be markdown or code cells. These cells start with ### Solution and # Solution on a line by itself respectively.

Related resources

  • nbconvert is the main way to interact with the JSON file representing the notebook.
  • NBDiff: A diffing and merging tool for the IPython Notebook
  • nbgrader helps the instructor to manage assignments, with added bells and whistles for JupyterHub.