
A domain-specific language for building context-aware mobile apps based on dataflow language and runtime bloom-bud (http://www.bloom-lang.net/bud/)



ContextAwareDataflow is a domain-specific language for building context- aware mobile apps. It is a library based on the bloom-bud extension of Ruby, developed by several Ph.D. students from UC Berkeley.

See LICENSE for licensing information.

ContextAwareDataflow is developed by Kasturi Raghavan and Chenguang Shen as the course project of CS 239 Winter 2013 at UCLA. For any questions, contact Kasturi (kr@cs.ucla.edu) or Chenguang (cgshen@cs.ucla.edu).


To use the ContextAwareDataflow extension, you need to have Ruby installed on your computer. Our code is tested under Mac OS X 10.8.2, and should be working with Linux. The Ruby version we have is 1.8.7. We cannot ensure the code would still work under other versions of Ruby.

You could generally follow these steps to used the ContextAwareDataflow library:

Install dependent gems:

% gem install backports

% gem install docile

% gem install eventmachine

% gem install msgpack

% gem install slop

Modify Ruby's gem path

Since we haved modified the original bud runtime, you could not install the bud gem directly. Instead, you will have to put Gems/ folder in your Ruby's gem path and use our modified bud inside. To do this, just modify the .gemrc file, and put the path to OUR Gems/ folder in both gemhome and gempath. In addition, don't forget to include your systems' default Ruby gem path (in Mac OS X, this is usually /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8) in gempath. After the previous modification, put the .gemrc file under your home folder.

% cp .gemrc ~/

Next, you need to also include GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH as environment variables (assume you are using bash). Remember to keep the original gem path in GEM_PATH so that you can still use other Ruby gems.

% echo export GEM_HOME=/path/to/our/lib/Gems >> ~/.bashrc

% echo export GEM_PATH=/path/to/our/lib/Gems:/path/to/your/original/gem/folder >> ~/.bashrc

% source ~/.bashrc

If you run

% gem env

you should be able to see our Gems/ folder included in both gemhome and gempath.

Run Test Code

All test codes are in the example/ folder. The examples are explained in our report paper. Feel free to report bugs and possible improvements to us!


The slides of our final presentation is available at http://goo.gl/jPnkR Our final report is available at http://goo.gl/LvFBg