
GUI tool to install Windows On ARM for Lumia 950 XL

Primary LanguageC#

Lumia Windows 10 ARM64 Installer

This is a GUI tool to install Windows On ARM for Lumia 950 XL



  • A Lumia 950 XL with an unlocked bootloader that can correctly enter Mass Storage Mode
  • A Windows 10 ARM64 Image (.wim)
  • A USB-C cable
  • A Driver Package (you can download it from here)

Importing the Driver Package

Run WoA Installer and go to the Advanced section. Click on [Import Driver Pacakge] and select the .7z file directly. Don't attempt to uncompress it. After the import operation, you will be able to use the application.


The application is pretty straigforward to use. Just a few quick notes:

  • If you want to install Windows, just go to the Windows Deployment section and select Full Install or Windows-only Install
  • Don't forget to switch to Mass Storage Mode to perform the operations

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If you find this useful, feel free to buy me a coffee Thanks in advance!!
