
Pytorch code for experiments on Linear Transformers

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Pytorch code for reproducing experiments for the following papers:

[1] Transformers learn to implement preconditioned gradient descent for in-context learning. Kwangjun Ahn, Xiang Cheng, Hadi Daneshmand, Suvrit Sra
[2] Linear attention is (maybe) all you need (to understand Transformer optimization). Kwangjun Ahn, Xiang Cheng, Minhak Song, Chulhee Yun, Suvrit Sra, Ali Jadbabaie

'simple demonstration.ipynb':

  • Training a 3 layer Linear Transformer with SGD/Adam, covariates have identity covariance
  • Plotting test loss
  • Displaying matrices at end of training + distance to identity (similar to Figure 4 of [1])

'rotation demonstration-Adam.ipynb':

  • Training a 3 layer Linear Transformer with Adam, covariates have non-identity covariance (Adam requires about 100x more steps to converge compared to the identity covariance case)
  • Plotting test loss
  • Displaying matrices at end of training + distance to identity (similar to Figure 4 of [1]) 'rotation demonstration-Adam-p0.ipynb' is similar to 'rotation demonstration-Adam.ipynb', but enforces that the P matrix has top left block = 0


  • Compares n-layer linear Transformer against n-step Gradient Descent/ Preconditioned Gradient Descent, for n = 1,2,3,4, for fixed context length N=20


  • Compares 3-layer linear Transformer against 3-step Gradient Descent/ Preconditioned Gradient Descent, for context length N={2,4,6...20}

'linear_transformer.py' contains definition of the Linear Transformer model, along with some other handy functions.

Quck Start

Setting: training 3 layer linear transformer with Adam/SGD (with clipping), covariates have normal convariance

  1. Run train.ipynb - training linear transformer
  2. Run plot_loss.ipynb - generates loss vs iteration plot
  3. Run plot_stochastic_noise.ipynb - generates stochastic gradient noise histogram
  4. Run plot_condition_number.ipynb - generates robust 5ondition number plot
  5. Run plot_smoothness_vs_gradnorm.ipynb - generates smoothness vs gradienr norm plot


mode: method of generating samples (['normal', 'sphere', 'gamma'])

alg: Optimization algorithm (['sgd', 'adam'])

toclip: True if use clipping algorithm. Otherwise, False.

lr: learning rate

sd: random seed

max_iters: maximum number of iterations

n_layer: number of layers of linear transformer

N: number of in-context samples

Learning Rates

Setting (n_layer=3) SGDM (with clipping) Adam (with clipping)
mode='normal', N=5 0.01 0.005
mode='normal', N=20 0.02 0.02
mode='sphere', N=20 5 0.1
mode='gamma', N=20 0.02 0.02