This is a pix2pix demo that learns from pose and translates this into a human. A webcam-enabled application is also provided that translates your pose to the trained pose.
Getting Started
1. Prepare Environment
# Clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:GordonRen/pose2pose.git
# Create the conda environment from file
conda env create -f environment.yml
2. Configure PyOpenPose
3. Generate Training Data
python generate_train_data.py --file Panama.mp4
is the name of the video file from which you want to create the data set.
- Two folders
will be created.
If you want to download my dataset, here is also the video file that I used and the generated training dataset (1427 images already split into training and validation).
4. Train Model
# Clone the repo from Christopher Hesse's pix2pix TensorFlow implementation
git clone https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow.git
# Move the original and landmarks folder into the pix2pix-tensorflow folder
mv pose2pose/landmarks pose2pose/original pix2pix-tensorflow/photos_pose
# Go into the pix2pix-tensorflow folder
cd pix2pix-tensorflow/
# Reset to april version
git reset --hard d6f8e4ce00a1fd7a96a72ed17366bfcb207882c7
# Resize original images
python tools/process.py \
--input_dir photos_pose/original \
--operation resize \
--output_dir photos_pose/original_resized
# Resize landmark images
python tools/process.py \
--input_dir photos_pose/landmarks \
--operation resize \
--output_dir photos_pose/landmarks_resized
# Combine both resized original and landmark images
python tools/process.py \
--input_dir photos_pose/landmarks_resized \
--b_dir photos_pose/original_resized \
--operation combine \
--output_dir photos_pose/combined
# Split into train/val set
python tools/split.py \
--dir photos_pose/combined
# Train the model on the data
python pix2pix.py \
--mode train \
--output_dir pose2pose-model \
--max_epochs 1000 \
--input_dir photos_pose/combined/train \
--which_direction AtoB
For more information around training, have a look at Christopher Hesse's pix2pix-tensorflow implementation.
5. Export Model
First, we need to reduce the trained model so that we can use an image tensor as input:
python reduce_model.py --model-input pose2pose-model --model-output pose2pose-reduced-model
is the model folder to be imported.model-output
is the model (reduced) folder to be exported.
- It returns a reduced model with less weights file size than the original model.
Second, we freeze the reduced model to a single file.
python freeze_model.py --model-folder pose2pose-reduced-model
is the model folder of the reduced model.
- It returns a frozen model file
in the model folder.
I have uploaded a pre-trained frozen model here. This model is trained on 1427 images with epoch 1000.
6. Run Demo
python pose2pose.py --source 0 --show 2 --tf-model pose2pose-reduced-model/frozen_model.pb
is the device index of the camera (default=0).show
is an option to display: 0 shows the normal input; 1 shows the pose; 2 shows the normal input and pose (default=2).tf-model
is the frozen model file.
Kudos to Christopher Hesse for his amazing pix2pix TensorFlow implementation and Gene Kogan for his inspirational workshop.
Inspired by Dat Tran.
See LICENSE for details.