
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


An easy use AdMob banner wrapper on SwiftUI

Version License Platform

EasyAdMobBanner is a SwiftUI wrapper for AdMob banner. It simply make AdMob banner adjust its frame by adSize automatically.

If you think it's helpful, a coffee can help me keep work on it.



EasyAdMobBanner is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'EasyAdMobBanner'

Swift Package Manager

The project is published with Swift Package Manager, and it depends on Google Mobile Ads SDK(Swift Package Manager Version).

To avoid unexpected dependency issue, if your already installed Mobile Ads SDK(CocoaPods) for your project, it suggests to remove it, or use SPM version instead of.

If you still need CocoaPods version that can support AdMob mediation, you can install EasyAdMobBanner by duplicating the source code.


Please ensure that you already setup Google Mobile Ads correctly. Refer to Get Started for more detail.

Add to Xcode(To use this package in your application):

  1. File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
  2. Choose Project you want to add EasyAdMobBanner
  3. Paste repository https://github.com/chenhaiteng/EasyAdMobBanner.git
  4. Rules > Version: Up to Next Major 1.0.0 It's can also apply Rules > Branch : main to access latest code.

Note: It might need to link EasyAdMobBanner to your target maunally.

  1. Open Project Editor by tap on root of project navigator
  2. Choose the target you want to use EasyAdMobBanner.
  3. Choose Build Phases, and expand Link Binary With Libraries
  4. Tap on + button, and choose EasyAdMobBanner to add it.

Add to SPM package(To use this package in your library/framework):

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/chenhaiteng/EasyAdMobBanner.git", from: "1.0.0")
    // To specify branch, use following statement to instead of.
    // .package(url: "https://github.com/chenhaiteng/EasyAdMobBanner.git", branch: "branch_name")
targets: [
        name: "MyPackage",
        dependencies: ["EasyAdMobBanner"]),

Use EasyAdMobBanner:

Just put the banner to where your want. No need to specify the width and height.

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Other contents