
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


SequenceBuilder is a general purpose Function Builder / Result Builder for Swift. It allows you to build arbitrary heterogenous sequences without loosing information about the underlying types.

SequenceBuilder might be helpful for you if you have ever encountered the error message Protocol 'X' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements. For example:

protocol Key {
    associatedtype Value
    var value: Value { get }

struct Foo {
    let keys: [Key]
    // ❌ Protocol 'Key' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

With SequenceBuilder you can have sequences of types with associated type requirements.

import SequenceBuilder

struct Foo<S: Sequence> where S.Element: Key {
    let keys: S

    init(@SequenceBuilder builder: () -> S) {
        keys = builder()

For this, you have to define how to handle heterogenous Values by extending an Either-type:

extension Either: Key where Left: Key, Right: Key {
    var value: Either<Left.Value, Right.Value> {
        bimap(left: \.value, right: \.value)

Then you can use Foo like this:

struct StringKey: Key { let value: String }
struct IntKey: Key { let value: Int }
struct FloatKey: Key { let value: Float }

let foo = Foo {
    StringKey(value: "-")
    IntKey(value: 42)
    FloatKey(value: 3.14)

// and later:
let description = foo.keys
    .joined(separator: ", ")
// description is: "-, 42, 3.14"


This technique can be used for any kind of heterogenous sequence, but it is especially useful for building custom container views in SwiftUI. For views, the Either-type is already extended.

You can use @SequenceBuilder like the @ViewBuilder-attribute in SwiftUI. As a result, you don't just get one view, but a sequence of individual views without resorting to AnyView. SequenceBuilder has the same limitation as ViewBuilder in that it currently only supports 10 Elements without nesting.

For a simple example, this view wraps its child views in an enumeration similar to an ordered HTML list (Full example). By constraining the sequence elements (… where Content.Element: View), we can store and iterate over the sequence for abritrary views.

import SequenceBuilder
import SwiftUI

struct EnumerationView<Content: Sequence>: View where Content.Element: View {

    let content: Content

    init(@SequenceBuilder builder: () -> Content) {
        self.content = builder()

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 8) {
            ForEach(sequence: content) { (index, content) in
                HStack(alignment: .top) {
                    Text("\(index + 1). ")

// Usage: 
EnumerationView {
    Text("Some text")
    VStack {
        ForEach(0..<10, id: \.self) { _ in
            Text("Lorem ipsum dolet.")
    if true {
        Text("More text")
        Text("Enough text")
    HStack {
        Text("With image:")
        Image(systemName: "checkmark")
    Text("The ending")

enumeration view example

The elements of the heterogeneous sequence don't have to be views. For a more intricate example, where the SequenceBuilder is used to build a table out of columns, see SwiftTableView.

What kind of sorcery is this?

You might ask yourself at this point how this is implemented and I encourage you to check out the source. It is very small.

The elements of the sequence are of type Either:

public enum Either<Left, Right> {
    case left(Left)
    case right(Right)

For every additional element in the sequence, another Either is nested inside the other ones. E.g.:

  • the sequence Text, Image becomes [Either<Text, Image>]
  • the sequence Text, Image, Text becomes [Either<Text, Either<Image, Text>>]
  • the sequence Text, Image, Text, Button becomes [Either<Text, Either<Image, Either<Text, Button>>>]
  • and so on ...

This growth of types is similar to the kind you get in SwiftUI. It seems to work fine, but it is probably not suitable for very large collections.

If you just want a collection of views, yout don't have to care about this implementation detail, because Either conforms to View if Left and Right also conform to View.
But if you want to use your own protocols with or without associated types, then you have to extend Either yourself.


Swift Package Manager

In Xcode, select menu File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and enter the repository URL.

Repository: "https://github.com/andtie/SequenceBuilder"